
Bael / Kaitha

Aegle Marmelos commonly known as Bael, bhel, bilwa, belaphal, Bengal Quince.Bael is a very good source of protein.Bael leaves, fruits and root can be used as tonic and coolant with antibiotic propertiesUses: Fresh half-ripe Bael fruit is mildly astringent and is used for dysentery and diarrhea.Bael leaves are extremely useful for treating Diabetes, jaundice, cholera and asthma. Bael fruits are valuable for its rich nutritive, sweet, aromatic  mucilage and pectin contents – very good for all kinds of stomach disorders. Bael Fruits are very useful in chronic diarrhea and dysentery. 
                               Medicinal Fruit
Details :
Botanical Name: Aegle Marmelos
English Name: Apple Wood
Bengali Name : Katbel,Koth Bel
Kannada Name : Belavu,Belada Hannu
Marathi Name : Kovit,Kavath
Sanskrit Name : Kapitha
Oriya Name : Kaitha
Telugu Name : Vellaga Pandu,Velaga 
Tamil Name : Vilam Palam 
Gujarati Name : Kothu,Kotha 
Sinhalese Name : Divul
French Name: Ornager du Malabar,bel indian
Dutch Name : Slijim appelboom
Arabic Name : Shul
Chinese Name : Yoi-tu-chih
Spanish Name : Bela,milv
Thai Name : Ma tum
German Name : Baelbaum,
Javanese Name : Maja
Portuguese Name : Marmelos
Common Name : Bael, Quince, Apple Wood, Holy Fruit Tree
Family Name : Rutaceae

Part Used : Bark,fruit Pulp, Leaves

Medicinal Uses :
  • It is antiscorbutic, carminative, alternative and nutritive. It is used in constipation, dysentery and diarrhoea.
  • It is aromatic, astringent, cooling, febrifuge and also acts as tonic for heart and brain. Unripe & half-ripe fruits are used to improve appetite and digestion.Leaves are used for treating diabetes, jaundice, cholera, asthma and ophthalmia.
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1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on herbal remedies for digestive problems
