

The marking nut tree, occurs in the wild in the sub-himalayan tract, up to 3,500 ft. , in assam, khasi hills, madhya pradesh;, gujarat, konkan, and the deciduous forests of the southern states of india. It is similar to the cashew nut tree, in having an edible false fruit that is orange and fleshy.   like the cashew nut, the true fruit is black, oily and bitter.   the kernels of the nut are edible, but the juice of the nut is highly vesicant, and has been traditionally used to mark cloth by washer men. The tree bark exudes a gum resin used in leprosy, venereal infections and nervous debility.  
                           Herbal Fruit
Botanical Name : Semecarpus anacardium
English Name: Indian marking nut tree, Marany nut, Marking nut tree
Malayalam Name: Alakkucher, Char
Hindi Name :  bhilawan,  billar,Bhilava
Marathi Name : bhallataka, bhillava, bibba
Tamil Name : cen-kottai, compalam, kalakam, kavaka, kitta-k-kani-k-kottai
Malayalam Name : alakuceer, ceenkkuru, theenkotta
Telugu Name : bhallatamu, jidimamidichettu
Kannada Name : geru, gerannina mara
Bengali Name : bhallata, bhallataka
Oriya Name : bhollataki, bonebhalia
Konkani Name : amberi, bibba
Urdu Name : baladur, bhilavan, billar
Assamese Name : bhala
French Name : Anarcardier, Noix a marquer
German Name : Ostindischer Tintenbaum
Arabic Name : Balaadhur, Anaqardhiyaa
Persian Name : Habbul Qalb, Baladur, Biladur
Danish Name : Ostindisk elefantlus
Dutch Name : Malakkanoot, Oostindische acajounoot, Oost-Indische olifantsluis
Greek Name: Semekarpos anakardion, Semeokarpos to anacardion
Italian Name: Anacardio orientale
Japanese Name : Anakarudiumu orientaare, Anakarudiumu orientaru
Portuguese Name : Anacárdio oriental
Russian Name : Semekarpus anakardii
Spanish Name :  Anacardio oriental
Gujarati Name : bhilamo, bhilamu
Sanskrit Name : ahvala, arshastah, arudhkh, bhallatakah, vahnih, vishasya
Nepali Name : bhalaayo
Family Name: Anacardiaceae

Part used : fruits

Medicinal Uses:
  • It is extremely beneficial in the diseases like piles, colitis, diarrhea, dyspepsia, ascites, tumours and worms.
  • The fruits, their oil and the seeds have great medicinal value, and are used to treat the wide range of diseases. Externally, the oil, mixed with coconut or sesame oil, is applied on wounds and sores to prevent the pus formation. 
  • The fruit is useful in leucoderma, scaly skin, allergic, dermatitis, poisonous bites, leprosy, cough, asthma, and dyspepsia.
  • The powdered nut is very specific for mouth cancer and hence is a valuable infredient in tooth powder. Its also good for fixing loose teeth.
  • The nut yields a powerful and bitter substance used everywhere in India as a substitute for marking ink for clothes by washermen, hence it is frequently called Dhobi Nut. It gives a black colour to cotton fabrics.
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  1. What are the side effects of marking nut?

  2. We have seen few below mentioned side effect of Bhilawa herbs.

    1.Its extreme heat contraindicates its use in young children, the elderly, during pregnancy and in pitta aggravation.

    2. It can cause an allergic rash in pitta constitutions. Other signs of toxicity are itching, burning, excess thirst and a reduction in urine.

    As No drug,herb interactions are known but it should only be used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner due to the allergenic nature of the anacardic acids.

    1. It is very effective in many ailments but It is very difficult to use. It must be detoxify before using. When I detoxify bhallataka I was allergic to its oil and It take more than 20 days to relieve.
