

Description :
There are two varieties of Colchicum. One is the sweet variety (Metha) and the other is bitter (Kadwa). Both varieties are analgesic, antirheumatic, astringent, cathartic and emetic. They are used to relieve the pain and inflammation of acute gout, arthritis and rheumatism. The bitter variety is poisonous and applied externally to reduce pain and swelling. The sweet variety is also useful in sexual debility.

Details :

Hindi Name : Hiran Tutiya, Suranjan
English Name : Colchicum, Autumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron, Naked Lady
Arabic Name : Qalb al-’ard, Sooranjaan, Haafir al-muhr, Assabi’ Hurmas
Persian Name : Suranjan
Sanskrit Name : Hiranyatutha
Urdu Name : Suranjan Shirin, Suranjan Talkh
French Name : Colchique
German Name : Gelbe Zeitlose, Gelbe Herbstzeitlose
Latin name : Colchicum luteum Baker 

Part Used :Root,Fruit

Medicinal Uses / Benefits :
  • Yellow Colchicum is useful in the treatment of rheumatic swelling.
  • Dried and powdered root of the plant is useful in the healing of wounds.