
Chironji dry fruit

Description :
Chironji Tree is a medium-sized deciduous tree, growing to about 50 ft tall. It bears fruits each cotaining a single seed, which is popular as an edible nut, known as chironji. It is common in our forests mostly in eroded ravine lands. It avoids waterlogged areas, but occurs locally in clay soils. It can be identified by the dark grey crocodile bark with red blaze. A good species for afforesting bare hill slopes. It has tickly leathery leaves which are broadly oblong, with blunt tip and rounded base. Leaves have 10-20 pairs of straight, parallel veins. 
Details :
Botanical Name : Buchanania cochinchinensis
Common Name : Chironji Tree, almondette, calumpong nut, Cheronjee, Cuddapah almond, Hamilton mombin
Hindi Name : char, chironji, chiraunji, piyal, pra-savak, priyal
Marathi Name : char, charoli, piyal
Tamil Name : charam
Malayalam Name : muungaappeezh, nuramaram
Telugu Name : char, charumamidi, priyaluvu, raj-adanamu
Kannada Name : charoli, kole maavu
Bengali Name : chironji, piyal, sarop
Oriya Name : charu, chanhra
Konkani Name : char
Urdu Name : chironji
Assamese Name : piyal
Gujarati Name : charoli
Sanskrit Name : akhatth, muni, piyala, prasavakh, priyala, rajanadanha, upavatth
Nepali Name : chiraunjee

Part Used : Fruit, Seed

Medicinal Uses / Benefits :
  • Charoli are used as toppings in cakes and add flavour to desserts and sometimes used to thicken meats and gravy.
  • Charoli is a perfect replacement for almonds because the oil that is extracted from the charoli has more household utility and medicinal properties as compared to the almond oil.
  • The bark of the charoli tree generates a juice known as tannin which is used in the leather industry as well as in making wine and beer, and other pharmaceutical products.
  • Charoli is also mixed with cow milk for better taste and acts as a disinfectant.
  • The juice that is extracted from the charoli helps to treat diarrhoea and chest pain.
  • Charoli is a perfect ointment for skin and helps to restore the glow of the skin even at old age.
  • Charoli acts as a tonic and releases fatigue. Charoli also helps one feel reenergised and has cardio-tonic properties. Charoli helps to treat wounds.
  • The charoli seeds also act as a brain tonic and are useful in many genito-urinary problems like gleet etc.
  • The charoli seeds are mostly crushed and mixed with milk to make a face-pack which when applied on a regular basis gives a rare glow to the skin. The charoli nuts are full of vitamins and minerals, and are beneficial for skin and hair.
  • Charoli seeds scrubs are highly beneficial for doing away with facial hair. Even if they do grow back, they will be the same colour as your skin and won’t be noticeable.