
Satyanashi Seeds

Description :
Mexican Prickly Poppy is hairless,prickly,branching herb with showy yellow flowers and yellow juice. In India it is introducd and naturalised and occurs as wasteland weed in almost every part of India. In many parts it is repoorted as crop weed also. The height of this plant varies between 1-4 ft. Leaves are thistlelike, stem-clasping, oblong, multiply cut, spiny, with white viens. Flowers occur at the end of branches, yellow. 2.5-5.0 cm across. Fruits are capsules. The plants is toxic to animals and cattle.
Common Name: Mexican Prickly Poppy, Mexican poppy, Prickly Poppy
Bengali Name: Siyal-Kanta
Hindi Name: Satyanashi, Bharband,dhatura, Shialkanta, Bharbhand, Satyanashi
Kannada Name: Datturigidda
Konkani Name: Phirangi dhutro
Malayalam Name: Ponnummattu
Manipuri Name: Khomthongpee
Marathi Name: Firangi dhotra
Sanskrit Name: Kshirini, Swarnakshiri
Tamil Name: Kudiyotti
Telugu Name: Brahmadandi
Botanical Name: Argemone mexicana
Rajasthani Name: Dhaturi
Oriya Name: Kantakusham

Medicinal Uses :
  • Emetic and narcotic. They are reported to be used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
  • Ascites, low urine output -->Take all parts (panchang) of this herb. Clean them and dry in shade. Grind to make powder. Take 10 gm powder in 200ml water. Cook at low flame till water reduces to 50 ml. Filter and drink twice a day.
  • Skin diseases-->Take powder of satyanashi. Soak in water at night and next morning boil in water and drink.
  • Psoriasis, eczema, skin problems-->Take fresh satyanashi plant. Clean it and grind to extract its juice. Cook this juice in mustard oil (ratio 2:1) till all water evaporates and only oil is left. Apply this oil externally on affected area.
  • Boils, ulcers, warts -->Take latex of Argemone and apply externally on boils.
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