
Barley - Jau

Description :
Barley is a cereal grain derived from annual grass. Spikelets are arranged in triplets which alternate along the rachis. In wild barley only the central spikelet is fertile, while the other two are reduced. This condition is retained in certain cultivars known as two-row barleys. Barley is a widely adaptable crop. Barley currently popular in temperate areas where it is grown as a summer crop and tropical areas where it is sown as a winter crop. Its germination time is anywhere from 2 to 4 days. Barley grow under cool conditions but is not particularly winter hardy.

Details :
Botanical Name: Hordeum vulgare
Common Name : Barley
Hindi Name  : jav,jau
Kannada Name: jave-godhi
Malayalam Name: barli, yavam
Marathi Name  : satu, jav
Sanskrit Name : aksata, akshata, dhanyaraja
Tamil Name    : barliarisi
Telugu Name   : barlibiyam, dhanuabhedam
Urdu Name     : jao, jav

Part Used : 
Dried or fresh shoot

Medicinal Uses :

  • Barley is known to improve the circulatory system and protect it against chronic diseases like arteriosclerosis.
  • The amino acids and antioxidant enzymes present in barley reduce toxins in the body by supporting its gentle detoxification.
  • Barley contains chlorophyll, which is extremely beneficial in purifying the liver, preventing the absorption of carcinogens and improving the overall functioning of liver.
  • With the presence of digestive enzymes in barley, this cereal grain helps in getting rid of toxic and indigestible materials from the body and alleviating the symptoms of stomach ulcers and other digestive conditions.
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