
Mahua Fruit Indian butter

Description :
Mohwa is one of the most important of Indian forest trees, not because it may possess valuable timber - and it is hardly ever cut for this purpose - but because of its delicious and nutritive flowers. It is a tree of abundant growth and, to the people of Central India, it provides their most important article of food as the flowers can be stored almost indefinitely. It is large and deciduous with a thick, grey bark, vertically cracked and wrinkled. Most of the leaves fall from February to April, and during that time the musky-scented flowers appear.

Details :

Botanical Name: Madhuca longifolia
Common Name: Indian Butter Tree
Hindi Name: Mahua
Bengali Name: Maul,Mahuya
Gujarati Name: Mahudo
Kannada Name: Ippe
Kashmiri Name: Mahwa-mova,Mahora
Konkani Name: Mohwa
Malayalam Name: Ilippa, Irippa, Ilupa, Njannal
Marathi Name: Moha,Mhomva,Kat-illipi
Hindi Name: Mohwa
Tamil Name: Illupei,Kattiruppai
Telugu Name: Madhukamu,Ippa   
Malayalam Name: Illupa
Telugu Name: Ippa
Urdu Name: Gilaunda,Mahua,Gur,Gul-chikan,Gulu
Nepalese: mauwa
Sinhalese: mi-gaha

Part Used : Fruit,Bark,Oil

Medicinal Uses :
  • The bark is used to cure leprosy and to heal wounds, the flowers are prepared to relieve coughs, biliousness and heart-trouble while the fruit is given in cases of consumption and blood diseases.
  • Relieve pain in the muscle and joints to improve the texture and vigor of skin.
  • The mahuwa flower is edible and is a food item for tribals. They are used to make syrup for medicinal purposes.
  • The seed cakes obtained after extraction of oil constitute very good fertilizer.


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