
Long Pepper

Description :
Chavya also known as Java long pepper or Piper retrofractum is a good digestive supporter and liver protecting Ayurveda.
Chavya helps in proper secretion of bile juices from liver and digestive juices from digestive lining. These functions benefit a lot in hemorrhoids and fistula. Chavya corrects the metabolism at tissue level which makes it beneficial for weight loss and rheumatic conditions.
Details :
Botanical Name : Piper cubeba
Assamese Name : Pipoli
Bengali Name  : Pipul, Pipil
Chinese Name  : Bat but, Cheung jiu
Dutch Name    : Langwerpige peper
English Name  : Balinese pepper*, Jaborandi pepper, Bengal pepper
French Name   : Poivre long
German Name   : Langer Pfeffer, Stangenpfeffer,Jaborandi-Pfeffer, Bengalischer Pfeffer
Gujarati Name : Pipari
Hindi Name     : Pipal, Pippli
Indonesian Name : Cabé bali, Cabe jawa*, Lada panjang
Italian Name    : Pepe lungo
Latin Name      : Piper longum
Malayalam Name : Thippali, Pippalli,Thippili
Marathi Name   : Pimpli
Nepali Name     : Pippla
Oriya Name      : Pipali, Piphli
Punjabi Name   : Pipali, Magha, Darfilfil
Russian Name  : Колосковый перец (Piper officinarum)
Sanskrit Name : Chanchala, Magandhi, Kana, Ushana, Pippali
Tamil Name     : Tippali, Vanapippili, Kandandippili
Telugu Name   : Pippallu
Thai Name       : Dok dipli, Dipli, Dee plee, Phrik-hang
Tibetan Name   : Pi-pi ling
Turkish Name   : Uzun biber, Dar fulful†, Dari fülfül†
Urdu Name       : Filfil daraz, Pipul

Parts Used :-  Roots and fruits

Medicinal Uses :
  • Chavya induces proper secretion of digestive juices so it is very useful in loss of taste and indigestion.
  • Chemical composition of Chavya is quite similar to that of Maricha so its usefulness is similar to that of Maricha (Piper nigrum).
  • Chavya corrects the metabolism thus benefits in metabolic disorders like obesity, rheumatic conditions etc.
  • Chavya improves the working of the liver.
  • Chavya works well in hemorrhoids and other diseases of Ano rectal region.
  • Chavya Powder should be taken with Pippali powder in hemorrhoids.

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