
Bay Leaves

Description :
Indian Cassia  is globally distributed across Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar,India  in an altitude range of 400-2000 meter. Within India, it has been recorded in J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and Meghalaya. It is a small to moderately sized ever green tree. The leaves of this tree is the spice having clove like taste and a faintly pepper like odour. The tree has height up to 7.5 mtr with zigzag branching, trunk up to 95 cm girth, bark rough, dark grey to reddish brown in colour. 

Details :
Botanical Name :Cinamomum Zeylanicum
English Name :Cinnamom
Sanskrit Name :Tvak, Utkat,Tamalaka
Hindi Name :Dalchini
Bengali Name :Daruchini
Marathi Name :Taj
Tamil Name :Karuya,Talishappattiri
Telgu Name :Sanlifu , Talisapatri
Malayalam Name : Tamalapatram
Marathi Name : Darchini
Punjabi Name : Tejpat
Urdu Name : Tejpat
Bengali Name :Tejpata
Gujarati Name : Tamalapatra
Kashmiri Name :Tejpata
Chinese Name : Chai gui,Yook gway
French Name : Cannelle
German Name : Ceylonzimt
Italian Name : Cannella
Spanish Name : Canela

Part Used : Leaf, Oil, Bark

Medicinal Uses :
  • Cinnamon bark is used for gastrointestinal (GI) upset, diarrhea, and gas. It is also used for stimulating appetite; for infections caused by bacteria and parasitic worms; and for menstrual cramps, the common cold, and the flu (influenza).
  • In manufacturing, cinnamon oil is used in small amounts in toothpaste, mouthwashes, gargles, lotions, liniments, soaps, detergents, and other pharmaceutical products and cosmetics.
  • Cinnamon bark, as part of a multi-ingredient preparation, is applied to the penis for premature ejaculation.