
Flax Seed - Alsi

Description :
Flax is a cool temperature annual herb with erect, slim stems, 80-115 centimer tall. Cultivated plant in closely spaced field conditions it has lesser branching except at the apex. Leaves are alternate, lance-like and greyish-green with 3-4 veins. Flowers have 5 pale blue petals in a cluster. The sepals are lance-like and nearly as long as the pointed fruit. The fruit are spherical capsules. The seeds are flattened, 4-6mm long and are pale to dark brown and shiny. Flax Seed is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India. It was extensively cultivated in ancient Greek. Flax is grown both for its seed and fibres. Interestingly, the species name usitatissimum means, most useful. Various part of the plant have been used to make paper,fabric, medicines, dye, fishing soap and nets.In Durga Pooja five flowers are offered to deity Durga,  Lotus, Red Oleander, Atasi,and Aparajita. 
Oil Seed

Details :
Botanical Name: Linum usitatissimum
Hindi Name : Alsi, Tisi
English Name : Linseed, Flaxseed, Lint Bells
Common Name: Flax, Common flax, Flaxseed, Linseed
Sanskrit Name: Atasi 
Arabic Name : Bazr al-kattaan
Bengali Name : Mashina, Tisi,Atasi
Tamil Name: Ali 
Telugu Name: Madanginja, Ullusulu  
Chinese Name : Hu ma
French Name : Lin cultivé
German Name : Lein, Flachs
Gujarati Name : Alshi
Kannada Name : Agasebeeja, Semeagare, Agasi
Kashmiri Name : Alsi, Alish, Kenu
Latin Name : Linum usitatissimum Linn.
Marathi Name : Javas, Alshi
Persian Name : Tukhme Katan, Tukhme Zaghir
Punjabi Name : Ali, Alish, Alsi, Tisi
Sanskrit Name : Uma, Atasi
Family Name : Linaceae

Part Used :Flax Seeds, Flax Seed Oil, Leaves & Root

Medicinal Uses :
  • The press-cake and powdered seeds are used as an emollient, in poultices for boils, skin afflictions and carbuncles.
  • The oil seed has been used for a variety of industrial purposes and the oil-free meal could befed to livestock.
  • It is used internally in habitual constipation and functional disorders of the colon resulting from the misuse of laxatives and irritable colon, as a demulcent preparation in enteritis and gastritis .
  • The seeds are useful in the treatment of gonorrhea, irritations of the genitor urinary organs, cystitis and nephritis, provided taken in the form of tea repetitively.
  • Loose poultice of the seeds could be applied with excellent results in chest troubles and diseases like pneumonia, pleurisy and broncho-pneumonia. The counter irritant effect of the poultice can be enhanced by dusting mustard powder over it.
  • The seeds are valuable in the treatment of respiratory diseases besides being a useful remedy for throat ,coughs, sore chest and pulmonary complaints.
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