
Damar Sal Gum Resin

Description :
Shorea javanica is a medium-sized to fairly large tree of up to 30 m tall; bole is straight, cylindrical, branchless for up to 20 (max. 30) m and with a diameter of up to 160 cm; buttresses prominent, up to 1.6 m high; bark surface with irregular section fissures, rarely scaly, grey or light brown; outer bark usually thick, chocolate brown; inner bark laminated with bands of orange-yellow (rarely pink) and whitish tissue, exuding a clear, yellow resin; mature crown hemispherical or dome shaped, sympodial.
Detail :
Botanical Name :Vateria Indica
English Name :white meranti,damar,Indian Copal Tree
Filipino  Name :manggasinoro
Indonesian Name :damar jaca,damar sibosa,mesegar lanang
Khmer Name :lum’-baô
Malay Name :temak,meranti pa’ang
Thai Name :phayom,saya-khao,kiam-khanong
Hindi Name: Badasal
Tamil Name: Dhupa maram, Painimaram
Bengali Name : Shakgachha, Chandras
English Name : Piney or Damer Resin, Indian Copal Tree
French Name : Résine de Piney ou de Damer
German Name : Vateriafett, Butterbohnenfett, Malabartalg
Gujarati Name : Chandras
Marathi Name : Raal
Persian Name : Damar
Sanskrit Name : Sarjaka, Ajakarna, Sarja, Devdhupa

Urdu Name : Raal Safed

Part Used : Root, Bark

Medicinal Uses :
  • Damar Batu or Shorea Javanica/Meranti, is a yellowish – brown hard natural resin used in Incense, Polishes, Varnishes, Water resistant coatings & for caulking boats and baskets.


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