
Chilbil Seed / Indian Elm

Description :
Indian Elm is a large deciduous tree, gowing up to 15 meter tall. It has grey bark, covered with blisters, peeling in corky scales on old trees. Alternately arranged leaves are elliptic-ovate, 8-13 cm long and 3.0-6.0 cm wide, smooth, with entire margins, and a pointed tip. Leaf base is rounded or heart-shaped. Stipules are lance-shaped. Crushed leaves emit an unpleasant odour.  
Details :
Botanical Name : Holoptelea integrifolia
Common Name : Indian Elm, entire-leaved elm tree, jungle cork tree, south Indian elm tree
Hindi Name : chilbil, kanju, papri ,Vawla
Marathi Name : ainasadada, or vavala
Tamil Name : aya
Malayalam Name : aaval
Telugu Name : nali
Bengali Name : nata karanja
Oriya Name : dhauranjan
Konkani Name : vamvlo
Gujarati Name : charal, charel, kanjo
Sanskrit Name : chirivilva
Nepali Name : sano pangro

Part Used :Seed,Bark

Medicinal Uses :
  • Seed and paste of stem bark is used in treating ringworm.
  • Bark and leaves are used for treating oedema, diabetes, leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles and sprue.
  • Stem bark acts as an anti-inflammatory agent specifically for eyes.
  • Bark and leaf paste of Holoptelea integrifolia plant are applied externally on the white patches or leucoderma.
  • Leaves along with garlic are externally used to treat ringworm eczema and cutaneous diseases.