

Description :
It is a perennial shrub of about 2m in height abundantly found in the Himalayan plains upto the height of 2000m. In Nepal it is distributed throught the country upto the altitude of 1300m. 
Adhatoda vasica also known as Malabar nut is especially useful in respiratory problems; it is because of its brocho dilator and soothing effect of the respiratory system.
Vasaka is useful in bleeding tendencies; Vasaka has been used to control both internal and external bleeding such as peptic ulcers, piles and bleeding gums. Vasaka exhibits antispasmodic, expectorant and blood purifying qualities. Vasaka is also used to speed delivery during childbirth. Vasaka is a good heart tonic also. 
                             Organic Pods

Botanical Name: Adhatoda vasica / Justicia adhatoda 
English Name : Malabar Nut Tree
Hindi Name : Arusa, Adusa, Arusha, Rusa, Bansa, Basonta 
Sanskrit Name: Vasa, Vasak, Vasika, Vajidanta, Sinhasya, Bjishakmata
Common Name : Adatodai, Arusa, Adulsa, Bakas, Malabar Nut Tree
Arabic Name : Adaatoodaa, Jauz al-maalaabaar
Bengali Name : Vasaka, Bakash, Adulsa 
Chinese Name : Ya zui hua
French Name : Carmantine, Noix de Malabar
German Name : Malabarnuß Baum, Indisches Lungenkraut
Gujarati Name : Adulso, Ardusi, Aduraspee 
Kannada Name : Adsele, Adusoge 
Latin name : Adhatoda vasica Nees.
Marathi Name : Vasa, Adulsa, Adusa 
Persian Name : Bans, Khwaja
Punjabi Name : Bhekar, Vansa, Arusa, Vasaka 
Urdu Name : Berge Arusa, Berge Adusa, Berge Bansa 
Family: Acanthaceae

Part Used :Pods ,Bark

Medicinal Uses:
  • Vasaka is the best drug for respiratory system disorders due to its action on blood flow and vagus nerve action, mainly on lungs.
  • Vasaka liquefies the kapha which gets expectorated.
  • Vasaka  causes bronchodilation and therefore breathing becomes easier.
  • Vasaka is used in asthma, breathlessness and throat infection.
  • Vasa is useful in chest congestion and tuberculosis.
  • Vasaka is diuretic and kusthaghana and thus useful in skin infections especially those with discharges and bleeding.
  • Vasaka is vasodilator, it increases the heart rate and reduces blood pressure.
  • Vasaka is haemostatic and blood purifier. 
  • Vasaka leaf paste is analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and cures skin disease.
  • Vasaka local application of paste is useful in arthritis, inflammatory ulcers and nerve disorders.
  • To kill bacteria in ulcers, the affected area is treated with Vasaka leaf juice.
  • Vasaka contract small blood vessels so it is useful in bleeding disorders, bleeding piles, menorrhagia and haemoptysis. 

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