

Description :
An evergreen tree from east Asia and Philippines large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes; bark formerly used medicinally. The tree grows 13 to 17 metres high, has a furrowed trunk, oblong stalked leaves up to 1.5cm long and 0.5cm wide, dispersed in four to six whorls round the stem, their upper side glossy, under side white, nerves running at right angles to the mid-rib. The bark is almost odourless and very bitter, in commerce it is found in irregular fragments, texture spongy, fracture coarse and short, outside layer rough, uneven, fissured, brownish-grey and sometimes blackish spots; inside layer bright buff, transverse section shows number of small medullary rays in inner layer.
                                 Tree Bark

Botanical Name: Alstonia scholaris
French Name: Ecorce de dite
German Name: Ditarinde
English Name: Blackboard Tree, Milkwood Pine, White Cheesewood
Latin Name: Alstonia scholaris
Sanskrit Name: Saptaparni,Saptaparna, Sapthachada, Visalatvak, Chatraparna
Common Names: Chatian,Chhatim , Dita, Dita Tree, Maddale
Kannada Name : Aelele haale, bantale, doddapala
Malayalam Name : Daivapala,elilapala,kodapala,mangalappala, shaitanwood
Marathi Name : Sapthaparni, sathuin, sathvin, sathwin, satuin, satveen
Tamil Name : Azhilaip-palai, captaparanam, captaparani, elalaipalai
Telugu Name : Daevasurippi, devasurippi, edaakulapaala, edaakulaponna
Tibetan Name : Lo ma bdun
Urdu Name : Kashim 
Family: Apocynaceae

Part Used :Bark, Seed,Root

Medicinal Uses:
  • Saptaparna  paste of bark is applied on the wounds.
  • Saptaparna bark powder or decoction is loose for loss of appetite, abdominal pain, lump and dysentery.
  • Saptaparna twiges of tree used for brushing the teeth as it bactericidal.
  • Saptaparna is also useful in thread worms and round worms.
  • Saptaparna improves appetite and is given to women after delivery.
  • Saptaparna decrease fever, increases lactation and provide strength to women after delivery.
  • Saptaparna bark with Vacha and Ginger given from first day of delivery to protect her from fever.  
  • Saptaparna bark paste is applied over inflamed joints in chronic arthritis.
  • Saptaparna is antipyretic and especially useful in malarial fever. 
  • Saptaparna effect is same as that of quinine on fever, but has no side effects.
  • Saptaparna is helpful in dyspnoea.
  • Saptaparna flower powder is used in headache for nasal administration.
  • Saptaparna   tender leaves roasted and pulverized and made into poultices, act as a useful local stimulant to unhealthy ulcers with foul discharges.  
  • Saptaparna bark is given in leprosy, an extract being prepared from the fresh bark and given with milk. 
  • Saptaparna is prescribed in chronic paludism with enlargement of the spleen.
  • Saptaparna Milky juice is applied in rheumatic pains, sores, toothache, tumors and ulcers. 
  • The ripe fruits of Saptaparna   are used in syphilis, insanity and epilepsy.
  • Saptaparna powder is given to females during pregnancy and after giving birth to new born; it improves the digestive system, increase body strength of mother and improves lactation.

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