

The bitter principles present in the herb show alterative, antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antiperiodic, antipyretic, antiulcer, blood purifier, diuretic, febrifuge, hepatoprotective, immunostimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge properties. This herb relaxes the intestinal and uterine muscles. It is proved effective in prevention of fibrosis and in stimulating regeneration in hepatic tissues. Its strength as a febrifuge in malaria is seen in the common name “Indian Quinine.” It is useful in enlarged spleen.
It is used in fever, dyspepsia, general debility and urinary disorders. It is also used in treatment of rheumatism. The active principles of Tinospora cordifolia Syringin (TC-4) and cordiol (TC-7) were found to possess anticomplementary and immunomodulatory activities in immune-suppression of obstructive jaundice, hepatic fibrosis, peritonitis and sepsis. It is a blood purifier and may be useful in AIDS and other immune diseases also. It is also being proposed for cancer patients before and after chemotherapy. The plant is also used to improve the immune system and the body resistance against infections.
                                                   Plan Root

Botnical Name : Tinaspora Cordifolia
English Name : Moon Creeper, Heart-Leaved Moonseed, Indian Quinine
Hindi Name : Giloe, Gulancha, Giloy,gurbel
Arabic Name : Gilo
Bengali Name : Gulanch, Gilo, Gadanch, Ningilo
Chinese Name : Kuan chu hsing, Xin ye qing niu dan
French Name : Plante grimpante de lune
German Name : Mond-Kriechpflanze
Gujarati Name : Gado, Galo, Gulo, Gulwel
Kannada Name : Amrutaballi, Uganiballi
Kashmiri Name : Amrita, Gilo
Latin name : Tinospora cordifolia Miers
Marathi Name : Gulvel, Giroli ,gurbel
Persian Name : Gulbel
Punjabi Name : Gilo
Sanskrit Name : Guduchi, Madhparni, Amrita, Soma-valli
Urdu Name : Gilo

Part Used : Root

Medicinal Uses :
  • Tinospora or Giloy is considered one of the best herbs to clear the micro-circulatory system and other bodily channels. 
  • The antistress or anxiolytic activity of  Tinospora cordifolia is well documented by researchers and clinically tested. 
  • Tinospora or Giloy acts as a diuretic and found to be effective against Renal obstruction like calculi and other urinary disorders.
  • Giloy acts as a memory booster, develops inteligence, promotes mental clarity. It is described as one of the Medhya Rasayana (mental rejuvenative) in the Charak Samhita.
  • Giloy is considered helpful in eye disorders as a tissue builder and promotes mental clarity. 
  • Giloy is anti-pyretic and act as a tonic after fever, also has action against alternative fever like Malaria. 
  • Giloy is one of the best medications known to boost immune system. It helps to boost our natural resistance power to avert numerous infections and disorders.
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