
Bach / Vacha

The dried rhizomes possess acrid, analgesic, anthelmintic, anticonvulsant, antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, antitussive, aphrodisiac, aromatic, bitter, brain tonic, carminative, decongestant, demulcent, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hypotensive, laxative, nervine, rejuvenative, sedative, sialagogue, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, thermogenic and tonic properties. In Ayurvedic medicine it is valued as a “rejuvenator” for the brain and nervous system. Useful for dyspeptic disorders, gastritis, ulcers and for expelling gasses, stomach cramps, flatulence and griping pains. Reduces fever, promotes menstrual flow and mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes. It has an antihistamine like effect on hay fever and colds. It is also beneficial in depression, hysteria, insanity, neuralgia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, tuberculosi and irritation of the throat. It also aids in recovery from stroke and detoxification from anesthetics. Given to children to enhance their intelligence.  
It is said to have wonderful tonic powers of stimulating and normalising the appetite. In small doses it reduces stomach acidity whilst larger doses increase stomach secretions and it is, therefore, recommended in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. However if the dose is too large it will cause nausea and vomiting.   
                                            raw herb
Botnical Name : Acorus Calamus
English Name : Sweet Flag, Sweet Sedge, Sweet Myrtle, Flag Root, Calamus
Hindi Name : Bach, Gurbach
Arabic Name : Wajj, Qumha, Qasab Dharirah
Bengali Name : Bach
Chinese Name : Shui chang pu
French Name : Acore vrai,Acore Odorant
German Name : Kalmus, Chalmis, Magenwurz, Schwanenbrot, Sigge
Gujarati Name : Gandhilovaj, Godavaj
Kannada Name : Baje, Bajegida, Baji
Kashmiri Name : Wai Gander
Latin name : Acorus calamus Linn
Marathi Name : Bariboj, Vekhand
Persian Name : Agar Turki, Karunak
Punjabi Name : Varch, Ghodavaca
Sanskrit Name : Vacha, Bhuta-nashni, Ugragranthi
Urdu Name : Waj Turki

Part Used  :Root

Medicinal Uses :
  • It  has a stimulating  , nervine and anti-spasmodic properties .
  • It acts as  a rejuvenative  for the brain and nervous system.
  • It is used to promote cerebral circulation .
  • Due to presence of a volatile oil, Calamus acts as a carminative, that is, it relieves flatulence and feeling of over-fulness of stomach, and increase in appetite.
  • Due to its essential oil contents, it acts as an expectorant, that is it promotes flow of bronchial secretions and in useful in asthma.
  • Vacha is very useful for the nervous system. Well known medicine for brain science ages.
  • Vacha is highly effective in mania, epilepsy and other brain disorders.
  • Vacha is helpful in clearing the passage of air in rhinitis. It reduces convulsions and pain.
  • Vacha is useful in spasmodic contraction of body and paralysis. 
  • Vacha is the best medicine for children having lower intellectual level. 
  • Vacha powder in small doses with honey is given daily to children for their body strength as well as intellectual level improves.
  • Vacha is used in heart disease as it controls the heart rate.
  • Vacha is useful in alleviating kapha and vata of respiratory tract, so it is used extensively in cough, asthma, pharyngitis and laryngitis. 
  • Vacha is useful in dysuria caused by kapha also useful in lithotrypsic.
  • Vacha is an oxytocic used in painful labour.
  • Vacha acts as an appetizer and antidipsetic due to its katu rasa and ushna veerya.
  • Vacha reduces abdominal colic by acting on worms caused by kapha.
  • Vacha is the best drug for inducing emesis for removal of kapha.
  • Vacha is an extremely useful medicine for teething problems in children.
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