

Description :
Vitex negundo is the richest source of stable Vitamin C. This richness in Vitamin C makes the Nirgundi one of the best anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic (not by killing the cells…but by increasing the immunity of the body). Nirgundi is a drug of choice for problems where inflammation ha occurred like- pharyngitis, tonsillitis, endometrosis and even orchitis.
Nirgundi is a useful herb for proper hair growth and their maintenance, it should be used internally in powder or capsule form.
                                        tree root
Details :
Botanical Name :Vitex Negundo Root
Hindi Name : Sambhalu, Sawbhalu, Samhalu, Nirgandi, Nisinda, Mewri
English Name :Five leaved chaste tree
Malayalam Name :Karunocci
Latin Name: Vitex Nigundo
Sanskrit Name :Nirgundi, sindhuvara, Neelamanjari,Indranika
Bengali Name : Nishinda, Nirgundi, Samalu
Chinese Name : Huang ping
English Name : Five-Leaved Chaste Tree
French Name : Gattilier incise
German Name : Mönchspfeffer
Gujarati Name : Nagod, Nagad
Kannada Name : Belenekki
Latin name : Vitex negundo Linn
Marathi Name : Lingad, Nigad, Nirgundi
Persian Name : Banjangasht, Sisban
Punjabi Name : Bharwan, Maura, Banni, Swanjan
Urdu Name : Tukhme Sambhalu
Chinese Name : Huang jing
Filipino Name : Lagundi
Common Name: Nirgundi 

Parts used: Leaf, Root, seed , flowers and bark

Medicinal Uses :
  • Nirgundi is best analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial.
  • Nirgundi  is used  for  cleaning and healing wounds.
  • Nirgundi is also used as a hair tonic.
  • Nirgundi leaves after heated are tied over the affected part in headache, scrotal swelling, arthritic pain.
  • Decoction prepared form Nirgundi leave powder is used for tub bath in endometritis, colitis and orchitis, in these conditions it reduces the obstruction of blood and amakapha, increases perspiration, reduces oedema and also relieves pain.
  • Gargles with decoction of Nirgundi leaves powder are useful in pharyngitis, stomatitis, difficulty in deglutition and inflammation.
  • Nirgundi is an analgesic, brain tonic and alleviates vata, therefore useful in headache, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, synovitis, improves memory.
  • Nirgundi improves appetite and digestion. It is useful in loss of appetite, anorexia, ama-dosha, hepatitis and is anthelmintic.
  • Nirgundi improves blood circulation process.
  • Nirgundi improves ventilation therefore used in Kapha dominant cough, asthma, pneumonia and pleurisy.
  • Nirgundi useful in dysuria and anuria. In gonorrheal infection it helps in passing urine smoothly.
  • Nirgundi improves menstrual flow therefore used in dysmenorrhoea and obstetric conditios.
  • Nirgundi is used as a anupan or a main drug in typhoid and malaria fever.
  • Nirgundi is stimulated every part of the body, therefore it acts as a rasayan in body.
  • The oil is used to treat sinus conditions, wounds, ulcers, syphyllis, and skin disease. 
  • In strengthening hair, reduce swelling and nausea, Helps curing swollen joints and its pain. Use for eyes.


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative information about Chaste Tree Powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
