

The root is acrid, anesthetic, antiinflammatory, aphrodisiac, astringent, cordial, depurative, hemiplegia, nerve tonic, sedative, sialagogue and stimulant and regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. It is given in paralysis, hemiplegia, epilepsy, chorea and is also given to help ease neuralgia and rheumatism.  
Its effectiveness has been linked to powerful stimulant properties that have been found to be valuable for sexual stimulation. Pellitory supports circulation in the area of the reproductive system and has shown to have phytoestrogenic activity. Useful in premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Also useful in seminal debility. 
It promotes a free flow of saliva. It is used as a masticatory, and in the form of lozenges for its reflex action on the salivary glands in dryness of the mouth and throat. The decoction may be used as a gargle to soothe sore throat. It is a good general diuretic, which is used to relieve water retention where it is due to kidney-based causes. It has an especially valuable role to play in the treatment of kidney stone or gravel.
herbal Root
Detail :
Botanical Name : Anacyclus Pyrethrum
English Name : Pellitory, Longwort,Pellitory Root
Hindi Name : It, AKarkara,AKarkara
Arabic Name : ‘Aaqir Qarha, ‘Ood al-qarh, Kurkurhaan, ‘Aaqarqarhaa
Bengali Name : It
Chinese Name : Pyrèthre
German Name : Römischer Bertram, Spanischer Bertram
Gujarati Name : Akalkaro, Akorkaro, Akkalgaro
Kannada Name : Akkallakara, Akallakara, Akalakarabha, Akkallaka Hommugulu
Latin Name : Anacyclus pyrethrum DC
Marathi Name : Akalkara
Persian Name : Bekhe Tarkhoon, Kakrah
Punjabi Name : Akarakara
Sanskrit Name : Itva, Akarkarbha, Akaltnak, Akallka
Urdu Name : Aqarqarah
Greek Name  : Anakiklos o pyrethros, Πύρεθρον   Pyrethron
Danish Name : Bertramsrod
Dutch Name  : Arikaanse pyrethrum, Atlasmadeliefje, Marokkaanse kamille
Czech Name  : Bertrám římský
Hungarian Name : Fogfájógyökér, Piretrum, Római bertram
Italian Name : Piretro romano
Japanese Name: Anakikurusu,   Anakikurusu piresurumu,  Piretoriumu
Russian Name : Анациклус пиретриновый  Anatsiklus piretrinovyj
Spanish Name : Pelitre romano, Raíz de pelitre romano
Swedish Name : Bertram, Romersk bertram
Turkish Name : Pire otu
Thai Name : Kot kak kra
Scientific Name: Spilanthes acmella Murr

Family: Compositae

Part Used : Root

Medicinal Uses :

  • It is used with oil for massage in hemiplegia and nervine debility.
  • Decoction of It root is used for gargling in dental caries, toothache and tonsillitis.
  • In abscess, It is applied externally for assimilation and maturation. By its application, skin becomes reddish and boils occur.
  • It is applied externally as an analgesic.
  • It Nasya is given in chronic rhinitis and cold.
  • It is used in various aphrodisiac oils prepared in unani medicine.
  • It is used internally in various types of Vata disorders and low Pitta.
  • It is used in sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation.
  • It is useful in rough and hoarseness of voice.
  • It is also helpful in impotency caused by weakness of nerves. It is used as Rasayana in Kapha diseases.
  • If the It root powder is given in a dose of more than 0.5 to 1 gm, it results in nausea, bleeding increase in heart rate, unconsciousness etc. in such conditions, milk and other Pitta pacifying measures should be used as antidotes.
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