

Description :
Glycyrrhiza glabra is known to send out long roots that tend to be closer to the surface relative to the other roots of the plant. These roots can grow in upwards of 6 feet in length and are capable of growing additional plants off of them.This allows for the plant to spread without having to reproduce sexually. Glycyrrhiza glabra also has the ability to re-sprout from harvested roots. This means that if something were to happen to the upper portion of the plant, the plant could simply re-grow and continue to flourish.  
Details :
Botanical Name : Glycyrrhiza glabra
Indian Name:  Mullethi, Jestmadh
English Name: Licorice, Liquorice, Sweet-licorice
Latin Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Sanskrit Name: Yashtimadhu, Madhuyesti
Marathi Name : eshta madhu
Tamil Name : Atimaturam
Telgu Name : Atimadhuram
Malayalam Name :Irrattimadhuram
Kannada Name: Jesthamadhu
Common Name : Calamus, Mulethi, Sweet Liquorice, Sweetwood,Yashti madhu
French Name : Bois doux
German Name : Süßholz, Gemeines Süßholz, Lakritze
Persian Name : Bekhe Mehak
Urdu Name : Mulethi, Aslussoos
Arabic Name : Soos, ‘Irq Soos, Asl al-soos
Bengali Name : Jashtimadhu, Jaishbomadhu
Chinese Name : Kan t’sao, Gan t’sao

Family : Fabaceae

Parts used: Bark,Fruit,Leaf

Medicinal Uses :

  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) is of special importance to women and has been used in women's formulas for centuries. It has estrogenic and other steroidal properties and is used to normalize and regulate hormone production. Glycyrrhizin, a major component of licorice root, is structurally similar to adrenal cortical hormones. It has proven especially helpful in treating adrenal exhaustion, infertility due to hormonal imbalance, menopausal dysfunctions, and Addisons disease.
  • Having an infusion prepared by steeping a teaspoon of dried liquorice root powder in a cup of water is valuable in healing peptic ulcers. Follow this therapy for about a month. It also helps reduce gastritis and symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
  • Taking DGL tablets three times in a day, half an hour before a meal, helps reduce gastric ulcers.
  • Many herbalists regard licorice as a natural alternative to hydrocortisone and it is used in many formulations to activate and increase the effects of other herbs. It acts much like your body's own natural corticosteroids. Licorice decreases generation of damaging molecules called free radicals at the site of inflammation and it inhibits an enzyme that's involved in the inflammatory process. The herb's action as a fast-acting anti-inflammatory agent is due to the compound glycyrrhizin, a compound that is chemically similar to the corticosteroids released by the body's adrenal glands.
  • Glycyrrhizin blocks prostaglandin production and inflammation. Although it supports the body's release of cortisol, it also inhibits some of the more detrimental side effects of that hormone's presence. Licorice is also a excellent demulcent, and expectorant commonly used for throat, stomach, urinary, and intestinal irritations.
  • It is one of the best remedies against cough. It acts as a broncho dilator
  • It is having anti ulcer activity; thereby it is one of the good herbal products for treatment of peptic ulcer disorders
  • It is useful in eye disorders like conjunctivitis and xeropthalmia as a soothing agent.
  • Also used as anti-oxidant,free radical scavenger,coolant and astringent,maintenance of healthy skin.


  1. Great info! Mulethi protects the pancreatic cells against attack by free radicals and potentiates insulin secretion

  2. Thanks for sharing this informative information about Organic Licorice Root Powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
