

Description :
The plant meet within almost throughout all parts. It is found from the upper Gangetic plain eastwards to Assam and throughout central, western and southern India. The Moluccas and Sri Lanka are the other places of its distribution It is employed in nutritional disorders, syphilis, chronic rheumatism, gravel and other urinary diseases and skin affections. It is also an component of several medicinal preparations. 

Details :
Botanical Name : Hemidesmus Indicus
English Name: Hemidesmus, Indian sarsaparilla, East Indian sarsaparilla
Hindi Name : Anantamul, Dudhli
Common Name : Sarasaparilla, Indian Sarasaparilla, Anantamool
Manipuri Name : Anantamul  
Marathi Name : Anant vel  
Tamil Name : Nannari, Sugandipala  
Malayalam Name : Narunenti  
Telugu Name : Suganda pala  
Kannada Name : Sugankha-palada-gidda, Sogade  
Oriya Name : onotomulo  
Gujarati Name : Sariva, Upalasari  
Sanskrit Name : Anantamul, Sariva 

Family: Apocynaceae

Part Used : Roots

Medicinal Uses :
  • It nourishes and nurtures the whole digestive system. It alleviates loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery.
  • It is also good for the respiratory system; it alleviates cough and respiratory distress.
  • It detoxifies the body and improves skin complexion.
  • It pacifies the fire component of body and benefits in bleeding disorders. It is especially useful in excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle.
  • It is recommended as a supplement in male infertility as it enhances both the no. and quality of sperms.
  • As It corrects the digestive system and removes toxins; it is very useful in metabolic disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It also works well in fever and alleviates the burning sensation.
  • It is also a good blood purifier. It benefits in all diseases which originate from aggravation of Pitta and Blood. 
  • It is recommended as blood cleanser especially where the disturbed digestive system is also involved. 
  • It is also used for improving appetite. young leaves if chewed are refreshing. medicinal preparations like "Raktadoshantak", "Safee" and" Surakta" contain the extract of this plant.

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