

This shrub is found in North America, Nepal, India, and Bhutan.A large shrub or small tree grows up to 6 meters in height. Leaves compound, imparipinnate, rachis winged, leaflets 5-11 lanceolate, serrate with gland dots. Flowers yellow in terminal or axillary panicles. Fruits reddish globose follicle. Seeds solitary, globule and shining.
Organic Fruit
Botanical Name :Zanthoxylum Alatum
Hindi Name :TejPhal,Timur,Tumburu
Manipuri Name : Mukthrubi  
Tamil Name : Timur  
Telugu Name : Konda-Kasimi  
Kannada Name : Jimmi 
Family : Rutaceae 

Parts Used: Bark, carpels, carpels of fruits, seeds

Medicinal Uses:

  • Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, tumors, headache, diarrhea, hepatitis, fever, leukoderma, skin diseases, cough, asthma, paralysis, arthritis, diabetes, wounds, ulcers, cardiac debility and general debility.

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