
Sonth(Dry Ginger)

Description : 
These herbs are used as prophylactic of nausea and vomiting associated with motion, sickness, sea sickness and pregnancy. These are regarded as beneficial herbs for their gastrointestinal benefits and as an anti inflamatory and carminative.
Details :
BotanicalName— Zingiber Officinalis
English-Dry GingerHindi-Sonth,Calamus, Sweet Ginger, Ginger Root
Dogri Name : Adrakh, Sonth
Bengali Name :Ada
Assamese Name :Ada
Arabic Name :Zanjabeel, Zanjabil
Chinese Name :Jeung, Sang keong, Chiang, Keong, Gan jinang
French Name :Gingembre
Dutch Name : Gember, Djahe
German Name :Ingwer
Gujarati Name :Adu, Sunth
Hindi Name :Adrak, Adrakh (fresh); Sonth, Saunth (dried)
Italian Name :Zenzero
Kashmiri Name : Shounth, Adrak
Latin Name :Gingiber, Zingiber, Zinziber, Zynziber
Malayalam Name :Inchi, Enchi; Chuku (dry)
Marathi Name :Alha, Aale (fresh), Sunth, Shuntya (dried)
Oriya Name :Ada
Punjabi Name :Adrak, Sund
Sanskrit Name : Adraka (fresh), Shunthi (dried), Shringaveran, Sringaaran, Nagara
Russian Name :Imbir
Spanish Name :Jengibre
Tamil Name :Ingee, Inji; Sonti (dried)
Telugu Name :Allam, Allamu, Allamu chettu, Shonti

Thai  Name :Khing, Khing-daen

Medicinal Uses
  • Dried ginger root is powdered and made into capsules and sold in pharmacies in the West.
  • In India, ginger paste, when applied to the temples, relieves headaches.
  • Burmese boil the mixture of a local sweetener made from palm tree juice and ginger and consume it to prevent flu.
  • In China, a drink is made by cooking sliced ginger in water with brown sugar or cola to treat common cold.

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1 comment:

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