

Shikakai is a climbing, most well-known for the natural shampoo derived from its fruit. Thorny branches have brown smooth stripes - thorns are short, broad-based, flattened. Leaves with caducous stipules not thorn-like. Leaf stalks are 1-1.5 cm long with a prominent gland about the middle.  
It is a commonly used herb that has many remedial qualities. It is popularly referred as "fruit for the hair" as it has a naturally mild pH, that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils. Shikakai is used to control dandruff, promoting hair growth and strengthening hair roots. Its leaves are used in malarial fever, decoction of the pods are used to relieve biliousness and acts as a purgative. An ointment, prepared from the ground pods, is good for skin diseases. 

Details :
Botanical Name :Acacia Sinuata
Hindi Name: Koci, Satala, Ritha, Allah, Shikakai
Marathi Name :Shikakai
Tamil Name :Shika,Sheekay,Chikaikkai
Telgu Name :Cheekaya, Chikaya, Gogu
Sanskrit Name :Bahuphenarasa, Bhuriphena, Charmakansa, Charmakasa
Urdu Name : Shikakai
Malayalam Name :Cheeyakayi, Chinik-kaya, Shikai Cheenikka
kannada Name :Sheegae, Shige kayi, Sigeballi
Oriya Name :Vimala
Japanese Name :Kashia konshina
Burmese Name : Hpak-ha Sum-hkawn,Kin-mun,Kinmun-gyin
Chinese Name : Rou guo jin he huan,Xiao he huan
Russian Name : Акасия Консинна  Akatsiia Konsinna,  Саптала  Saptala,  Шикакай Shikakay
French Name : Chikakai, Piquant sappan, Sappan
German Name : Shikekai-Baum
Thai Name   :  Sohm bpaawy,Som kon
Assamese Name :Amsikira, Kachuai, Pasoi tenga, Suse lewa

Family : Mimosaceae Habit Liana

Part Used :Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses:

1.Useful in skin diseases, ulcers, swelling, stomatitis, and it is laxative.Laxative:Ghee prepared with the root is used as a laxative in chronic cases of skin diseases, rheumatic disorders and body swelling.

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