
Shatavari Root

Desctiption :
Shatavari, Asparagus racemosus, is a climbing plant which grows in low jungles areas throughout India. This sweet and bitter herb is particularly balancing to Pitta Dosha.
In India, Shatavari is considered the women's equivalent to Ashwagandha. The name translates to "she who possesses 100 husbands", referring to the herbs rejuvanitive effect upon the female reproductive organs. In Australia the herb is more often used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and as an external wash for wounds.
The healing qualities of Shatavari are useful to a wide array of ailments. It is well known for it effects on the female reproductive system. It is also effective in a number of other systems of the body and is therefore of use to both men and women.                                
Organic Root
Details :
Botanical Name : Asparagus Racemosus
English Name : Asparagus,Hundred Roots, Asparagus roots,Sparrow Grass
Sanskrit Name : Sharavari
Hindi Name : Ghatwal, Satawar, Satmuli,Shimai-shadavari
Common Name : Satavari
Tamil  Name :Challagadda, Pilligadalu, Kilwari
Telgu  Name :Majjige-gedde, Aheru balli
Kannada Name : Saatawari, Ekalakanto
Gujarathi Name : Shatawarmul, Shatavari
Marathi  Name :Satamuli
Bengali Name : Shatavali, Satavari,Shatmuli
Arabic Name : Kishk Almaaz, Hashqeeqal
Chinese Name : Tian men dong
French Name : Asperge
German Name : Wilder Indischer Spargel, Indischer Spargel
Gujarati Name : Ekalkanto, Shatavari 
Kannada Name : Challagadda, Satamulike 
Latin name : Asparagus racemosus Willd.
Marathi Name : Asvel, Shatavari Mool, Shatmuli
Persian Name : Satawar
Sanskrit Name : Shatavari, Shatmuli, Abhiru
Urdu Name : Satawar
Propagation : It can propagate by adventitious roots and seeds
Family : Liliaceae

Part Used : Root

Medicinal Uses:
  • This herb is known to be a very good aphrodisiac and also is very useful for overall women health and development.
  • Shatavari is considered to be the main ingredient in Ayurvedic rejuvenating female tonic for overall health and vitality.
  • The reputed adaptogenic effects of Shatavari may be attributed to its concentrations of saponins, known as Shatavarins.
  • Good for health Rejuvenating female tonic Provides health and vitality High concentrations of saponins Good aphrodisiac Good anodyne.
  • Refrigerant, demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, anti-diuretic, anti-dysenteric and galactagogue.
  • Shatavari is the herb of choice to improve breast milk production naturally.
  • Useful in anemia, painful menstruation, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, irregular painful menstruation.
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