
Arjun Bark

Description : 
Arjuna herb is also recognized as Terminalia Arjuna. In Ayurvedic herbalism it has been used from centuries. Arjuna is a medicinal plant used widely in Ayurvedic medicine. The bark of the tree is used form several centuries for treating cardiovascular ailments. There are many health benefits as well as side effects of Arjuna Herb.
Terminalia Arjuna is a deciduous tree found all through India. Although Arjuna tree is also found in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, it is native to India. This huge tree can grow up to a height of 27 meters. The bark of the Arjuna tree contains nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and aluminum. Arjunine, arjunetin and lactone are the important plant chemicals found in the bark of the Arjuna tree. This herb contains rich amounts of Co-enzyme Q-10, which is believed to enhance the health of the cardiovascular system. Terminalia Arjuna is an herb believed to be a Dietary Supplement and obtainable over the counter without a prescription.
Details :
Botanical Name : Terminalia Arjuna
Hindi Name: Arjun Bark
English Name: Arjuna Herb,Arjuna, Arjuna Herb, Arjuna Root
Common Names: Arjuna Myrobalan, Yermaddi, Arjun, Vella- marda, Arjuna, Vellai maruda-maram, Tella-madoi, Tormatti, Shardul
Sanskrit Name :Arjunah, Dhanvi, Indradruma, Kakubha, Karvirak
Tamil Name :Attumarutu
Telgu Name : Erramaddi
Malayalam Name :Nirmaruta
Marathi Name :Sadhaval
Nepalese : Arjun,Kaahuu
Bengali Name:Arjun, Arjhan
Chinese Name :San guo mu
German Name :Echte Myrobalane
Sinhalese Name :Kumbuk
Urdu Name :Arjun
Gujrati Name: Sadad, Arjuna, Sajada
Oriya Name: Arjuna
Punjabi Name: Arjon
Assamese Name: Arjun
Kannada Name :Maddi
Russian Name :Mirobalan,Terminaliia  ardzhuna
Sinhalese Name :Kumbuk
Family Name : Combretaceae

Part Used : Bark

Dosage And Different Forms In Which It Is Used:

Powder - 3-6 gm two or three times a day with milk or water.

Extracted Juice - 10-20 ml two or three times a day with sugar or honey or milk.
Decoction - 20-40 ml two times a day in the concentration of 1:2 (10 gm of bark in 20 ml of water)
Ksira Paka or Processed in Milk - 5-20 gm two times a day.
Extract - Upto 500 mg of 10:1 extract four times a day.

Medicinal Uses
  • Arjuna powder is specially indicated in fracture as it promotes healing. Because of this characteristic it is also recommended in osteoporotic changes in the bones
  • It is also recommended in skin rashes like those of Urticaria. 
  • It is a cardiac tonic. It increases the peripheral resistance by constricting capillaries which leads to rise in blood pressure.
  • It  prevent accumulation of fluid and thereby reduces oedema. 
  • Arjuna bark is used as a cardioprotective and cardiotonic in angina and poor coronary circulation.
  • Its Powder is prescribed with milk in fractures and contusions with excessive ecchymosis, also in urinary discharges and strangury.
  • Arjuna has astringent property, reduce motility. Beimg haemostatics it control bleeding in dysentery and heamroids.
  • It is used in skin disease with pruritus. Externally its paste is applied over eyelids in conjunctivitis.
  • It is useful in purulent and tuberculous cough and in haemoptysis.
  • It is febrifuge. In chronic fever helps in antipyretic and act as general tonic. d dry bark of Arjuna can be taken along with honey for this.
  • Reduce the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.
  • It has prostaglandin enhancing and coronary risk modulating properties.
  • It has also diuretic and general tonic effect in cases of liver cirrhosis.
  • It lowers beta-lipoprotein lipids and the recovery of HDL components in hyperlipidemia.
  • Promotes effective cardiac functioning by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Relieves high blood pressure (hypertension) and reverse hardening of the arteries.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Post! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating arjuna powder
