

Its cultivation is common in India found in various parts of India.The powder of the dried amla fruit is an effective remedy of hyper acidity,ulcers and blood impurities. It is also used both internally and externally as a decoction and paste. Amla is a wonder herb with numerous indication.
Details :

Botanical Name : Emblica Officinalis
English Name : Indian Gooseberry
Family Name : Euphorbiaceae
Common Name : Gooseberry, Phyllanthus Emblica, Emblica, Indian Gooseberry, Amla,Aaonla
Manipuri Name : Amla
Marathi Name : Amla
Tamil Name : Nelli
Malayalam Name : Nelli, Nellikka
Telugu Name : Usiri, Usirikaya
Kannada  Name : Betta nelli, Amalaka
Oriya Name : Aonla
Gujarati Name : Ambala
Sanskrit Name : Dhatri, amalaka
Tamil Name: Nelli,Nellikka
Nepali Name: Amala
Punjabi Name :Adiphala, dhatri, amalaka
Assam Name :Amla, amlaki
Bengali Name :Amali,ambala
Kerala Name :Alathanda, khondona
Chinese Name :Ganlanshu,youganzi,yougan,dianganlan
German Name :Amalanbaum,Graue,Myrobalane,Amblabaum
Vietnamese Name :Chu me,kam lam,bong ngo
French Name :Emblique officinale,groseillier de Ceylan
Indonesian Name :Kimalaka,Javanese

Part Used : Fruit,Seed

Medicinal Uses
1.Emblica Officinalis or Amla is aperient, carminative, diuretic, aphrodasiac, laxative, astringent and refrigerant. 
2.It is the richest known source of vitamin 'C'. It is useful in anaemia, jaundice, dyspepcia, haemorrhage disorders, diabetes, asthma and bronchitis.
3.It cures insomnia and is healthy for hair. 
4.It is considered as one of the most rejuvenating drugs, imparting a long healthy life and weight gain. 
5.It also acts as an antacid and antitumorganic agent.

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