
Rohtak Bark

Description :
Roheda is a deciduous or nearly evergreen tree of desert or dry regions. It occurs on flat and undulating areas including gentle hill slopes and sometimes also in ravines. It thrives very well on stabilized sand dunes, which experience extreme low and high temperatures. Leaves are narrow, somewhat lance-shaped, with wavy margins, 6-15 cm long. In spring time it produces beautiful showy tubular flowers in orange,yellow and red colours. Fruit is a long,slightly curved capsule up to 30 cm long, with winged seeds.
Details :
Botanical Name: Tecomella undulata
Common Name: Roheda, Honey Tree, Desert Teak, Marwar Teak
Hindi Name: रोहेड़ा Roheda, Rohida
Marathi Name: Rakhtroda, Raktarohida
Sanskrit Name: Chalachhada, Dadimacchada, Dadimapuspaka
Gujrati Name :Rohido
Tamil Name :Nakacampanki, Cunacci, Nakakam
Family: Bignoniaceae

Part Used : Bark,Flower,Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • Bark is used in curing urinary disorders, enlargement of spleen, gonorrhoea, leucoderma and liver diseases.
  • The bark of young branches is useful as a remedy for syphilis in Sind.
  • The seeds are acrid, refrigerant, laxative, anthelmintic and useful in ulcers, diseases of blood, eye, ear and also in muscular pain.
  • The paste of Tecomella undulata root is given internally in leucorrhoea some times its pulp is given along with rice water. 
  • Tea of flower is useful for sterile women and to reduce thirst. 
  • Bark is also used as muscle relaxant, cardiotonic and choleretic.