
Kalonji Nigella Seed

Description :
Nigella sativa is an annual flowering plant, native to south and southwest Asia. It grows to 30–40 cm (7.7–12 in) tall, with finely divided, linear (but not thread-like) leaves. The flowers are delicate, and usually coloured pale blue and white, with five to ten petals.
The fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds. The seed is used as a spice.

Details :

Botanical Name : Nigella sativa
English Name : Black Seed
Hindi Name: Kalonji, Kala Jira
Tamil Name : karum cheerakam
Bengali Name: kalojira, black cumin,Mugrele
Assamese Name : kolazira
Sanskrit Name : Kunchi, Knishana Jirka
Sri Lankan Name : Kaladuru
Malayalam Name : karim jeerakam
Italian Name : Nigela
Turkish Name : çörek otu
Arabic Name : Shooneez, Habba Sauda, Habb al-barka
Chinese Name : Pei hei zhong cao
French Name : Cheveux de Vénus, Nigelle
German Name : Schwarzkümmel

Part Used : Seed ,Oil

Medicinal Uses :
  • Nigella is one of the five spices in Bengali five spices (panch phoron) which give a distinctive taste to pulses and vegetable dishes. It is also used in pilafs, kormas, curries, and pickles.
  • Kalonji seeds are reported to be beneficial for the respiratory system. They have also been shown to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Crushed kalonji has an aroma somewhat like oregano. They are normally used whole, mainly in breads. The seeds taste pleasantly bitter and slightly pungent.
  • liny the Elder crushed black seeds, mixed them with vinegar and honey, and applied the paste to snake bites and scorpion stings.
  • Black cumin and its oil have been used to purge parasites and worms, detoxify, ameliorate amoebic dysentery, shigellosis, abscesses, old tumors, ulcers of the mouth and rhinitis. Recent research confirms these uses for humans, dogs, cats and horses.


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