
Chaksu Seed

Description :
This is a suffruiticose, rear herb with a height of about 2-3 meters, clothedwith white pubescnce. The eaves are about 6 cms. long, the leaflets areovate-oblong or ovate elliptic. The flowers are tingedred or pale yellow, in terminals and leaf opposed in long racemes. The pods are linear lanceolate, dark brown and glabrascent.Seeds are 2 to 6 shiningblack,glabrous,smooth,compressed and oblong. The flowering season is August to December. 
                                   Herbal Oil Seed
Details :
Arabic Name : Tashmeezaj, Shishm
Bengali Name : Ban Kulthi
English Name : Absus Seeds
French Name : Absus Semences
German Name : Chichimkassie, Chichonpflanze
Gujarati Name : Chimad, Chinola
Hindi Name : Chaksu, Bankulthi
Kannada Name : Kreed, Nindratach
Latin name : Cassia absus Linn
Marathi Name : Chimn, Chinol, Kankuti
Persian Name : Chashkhaam
Punjabi Name : Chaksoo 
Sanskrit Name : Chakshushya, Drikaprasada, Arnaykulthika
Urdu Name : Chaksu

Part Used :Seed

Medicinal Uses :
  • Seeds and Leave are used for treatment of asthma,anemia and hiccups.
  • The seed extract is used to purify blood and to treat mucous disorders. A decoction of the seeds is used to treat certain eye diseases.
  • The baked, powdered seed kernels are used in the treatment of ophtlialmia.
  • The bitter, astringent leaves are used as a purgative and as a remedy for asthma,coughs and bronchitis.
  • Application of the powdered leaves is reported to heal venereal ulcers and haemorrhoids.
  • Seeds and leave are used as a cathartic in cases of habitual , and for the treatment of ringworm, venereal ulcers and other skin diseases, for relieving pains,leucoderma,headache,haemorrhoids and as an anthel-mintic.
  • A plaster made from seeds is recommended as an application to wounds and sores especially of the penis.

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