
Laghu Patha / Abuta

Description :
Abuta is a tropical woody, climbing tracheophyt (liana) with white flowers,long leaves and unpalatable dark, grape sized, 3/4 long, berries. 
It is native to the Amazon rainforest however conjointly grows copiously in India.
It resembles a ruffled ribbon, winding its high to the highest of the tree. The stem is deeply furrowed, grey, and coated with patches of lichen. The odor of the vascular plant is slightly aromatic.
In the Amazon, Abuta is used as an anti-dote for toxic snakebites; additionally for Diabetes, gonorrhea,dropsy, heart problems (irregular heart beat),  rheumatism,jaundice, and as an aphrodisiac. 
The principal phytochemicals in this plant are oxo-aporphines, isoquinolines and palmatine. The plant has antispasmodic action.
There are also Ayurvedic applications like edema, fever, kidney inflammation and cystitis.

                                       Abuta herb
Common Name  : Abuta, barbasco, false pareira brava, false pareira root, ice vine, midwife's herb, pereira root, velvet leaf
Botonical name: Cissampelos pareira
Assamese Name  : tubukilota
Bengali Name  : kijri
Chinese Name  : xí shēng téng  
Gujarati Name  : venivel
Hindi Name  : bhatvel, padh
Kannada Name  : parera beru
Khasi Name  : jyrmi salla
Konkani Name : pahadvel
Malayalam Name : malathaanti,paataththaali
Marathi Name  : dhakati pahadvel,pahadvel,pahadmul
Nepalese Name  : barel-panrhe, sulara
Oriya Name  : ghodakur
Sanskrit Name : laghu patha
Tagalog Name  : sansau
African Name : Kinukadjio
Mexican Name : Oreja de raton
French Name : Faux pariera brava
Portuguese Name : Abutua, Pareira brava
Spanish Name : Butua, Pareira brave
Brazil Name : Abutua
Peru Name : Abuta, Burbasco, Sanago
Tamil Name : vatta-t-tiruppi
Telugu Name : pata visah boddi
Tibetan Name  : pa-tha

Parts Used: whole vine, seed, bark, leaf, root

Medicinal Uses :
  • Velvet Leaf is known as Midwife's herb as mainly used in women aliments. It's used for menstrual problems, ease childbirth,hormonal imbalance, postpartum pain, prevent threatened miscarriage, and control uterine hemorrhages, premenstrual syndrome and hormonal acne.
  • It is used for heart issues, kidney infections, kidney stones, and asthma, arthritis, pains, stomach pains and muscle cramps.
  • Abuta conjointly acts as an antiseptic to the bladder and is thus utilized for the relief of chronic inflammation of the urinary passages. It is conjointly a good diuretic.
  • This plant has a relaxing effect on swish muscles (such as those within the walls of blood vessels and within the uterus). Thus using it may lower blood pressure or may cause muscle contraction in the uterus.

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