

Description :
Wild Indigo grows as common wasteland weed. In many parts it is under cultivation as green manure crop. Its is a plant of the genus Tephrosia having pinnate leaves and white or purplish flowers and flat hairy pods. This plant contains a mild toxin called tephrosin which chemically stuns fish but does not effect mammals. The extract is obtained by crushing the whole plant by mortar and pestle, or rocks, and then scattering it in tide pools.
As spleen plays an important in maintenance of the RBCs; so Sharpunkha is very useful in maintaining normal hemoglobin level and functioning of blood. By improving the liver functions; Sharpunkha corrects the working of the digestive system and benefits in metabolic disorders. Sharpunkha benefits in cough and respiratory distress. It also possesses kidney protecting property. 
                                 Sharpunkha Seed
Botanical Name : Tephrosia Purpurea
Hindi Name -Saraphonkha 
English Name - Wild Indigo , Purple tephrosia ,Fish Poison, Wild Indigo
Telugu Name -Vempali chettu 
Bengali Name - Ban Neela 
Marathi Name - Unhali 
Gujrati Name - Sarpankho 
Punjabi Name - Sarpankho 
Malayalam Name - Katamiri,kozhighil 
Kannada Name -Egyali
Family Name : Fabaceae

Part Used :Flower,Root

Medicinal Uses :

  • Sharpunkha is recommended in conditions of enlarged spleen and disturbed liver functioning. 
  • Sharpunkha alleviates inflammation, benefits in skin diseases; and possesses antidotal, bactericidal, wound healing and haemostatic.
  • Sharpunkha is useful in toothache.
  • Sharpunkha works well in loss of taste and improves appetite, makes the movements of flatus and feces downwards.
  • Sharpunkha stimulates liver for better bile secretion and possesses parasiticidal properties.
  • Sharpunkha also possesses anti diabetic and lipid lowering properties. .
  • Sharpunkha is expectorant, diuretic, and uterine stimulant.

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