

Description :
Hadjod; also known as Cicssus quadrangularis is named so because of its characteristic property to help in proper healing of bones and union of bones in fracture. 
Hadjod is also recommended in old age to prevent age related changes like osteoporosis. It also corrects the working of digestive system and nourishes the reproductive system. Hadjod also corrects the metabolism and helps in removal of unwanted fats from the body.
Hadjod pacifies the Kapha and Vata Doshas while increases the Pitta Dosha which helps in correction of metabolism.
                                      Benefit of Hadjod

Botanical Name :Cissus quadrangularis
English Name :Veld grape, Veldt grape, Winged treebine
Hindi Name :Hadjod, Hadjora
Bengali Name :Hasjora, Harbhanga
Marathi Name : Ghanasakande,  Ghanasvel,  Ghonasakande
Russian Name :Циссус, Циссус четырехугольный
Sanskrit Name :asthisamharaka
Tamil Name :Pirandai
Telugu Name :Nalleru
Thai Name :Phet sangkhat, Phet cha sung khaat, Samroi to, San cha khuat
Zambia Name :Namunungwa
Oriya Name: hadasinkuda 
Bengali Name: harbhanga, harjora 
Malayalam Name: cannalamparanta

Part Used :Whole Plant

Medicinal Uses :
  • Hadjod powder should be taken to fasten the healing process and union of bones in fracture.
  • Hadjod Powder is very beneficial to prevent age related changes in bones like osteoporosis.
  • Hadjod has haemostatic and joining properties. In bone fractures, it is applied locally or its oil is applied.
  • In nasal bleeding Hadjod juice is used as nasal drops.
  • In bone fractures Hadjod juice is given orally to unite the bones faster
  • Hadjod is also useful in skin diseases.
  • Hadjod calms down the psychic part of the body which makes it very beneficial for psychological problems. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice information. Thanksfor sharing. Pirandai is a perennial plant of the grape family. Pirandai is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which is useful in reducing inflammation effectively. Pirandai powder helps to reduce weight and obesity effectively. Pirandai is a blood purifier. It helps to reduce hunger and prevents craving for more food. This helps the body to use already stored fat as energy.It is used to treat stomach disorders. Kaavidesam is the Exclusive Online Store for Traditional Herbal Pirandai Powder
