

Description :
Gudhal also known as Hibiscus rosa sinensis/ Shoe flower; Chinese hibiscus possesses calming effect on physical as well as the psychological part of the body.
GudhalIt is quite useful in psychological up downs and physically it is recommended in gynecological problems especially excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle; hair fall and digestive disturbances. Gudhal is also a good cardiac and brain tonic.  
                               Gudhal uses
Detail :
Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
English Names: Shoe-Flower / Hibiscus
Hindi Name: Gudhal, Gurhal or Japa
Sanskrit Name: Japa
Manipuri Name :Juba kusum athonba
Kannada Name : DasavaLa
Malayalam Name : Chemparati
Tamil Name :cembarutti
Marathi Name :Jaswand
Konkani Name :Dosni Phool
Latin name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Part Used : Flower,Pods

Medicinal Uses :

  • Gudhal nourishes the brain cells properly; it also calms down the restless mind.
  • Gudhal is also good for heart; it nourishes the cardiac muscles and helps in proper circulation of blood to all body parts.
  • Gudhal is a good hair nourishing Ayurveda herb. It benefits in hair fall as well as in graying of hairs.
  • Gudhal possesses anti hypertensive and anti hyperlipidemic properties.
  • Gudhal corrects the working of the digestive system and helps in proper absorption of foods.
  • Gudhal tea is recommended as a diuretic supplement. It ensures proper working of urinary system.
  • Gudhal also possesses anti cancerous and anti oxidant properties.
  • Gudhal possesses contraceptive property so it should be avoided if you are planning for a baby or if you are pregnant.
  • Gudhal is best recommended as a hair tonic. If benefits both in hair fall and graying of hairs.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on herbal remedies for digestive problems
