
Sonapatha Bark

It is found above the height of 4000 feet and is generally found in damp region. It is annual small tree that has a height of 25 to 40 feet. Bark is off brown in color. Leaves are 2 to 4 inch long, broad, leaflets are 5 inch long and 3 to 4 inch broad having sharp edges. The flowers stalk is one feet long. The flowers are purple in color. Fruits are 1 to 3 foot long, 2 to 4 inch broad. Seeds are flat and are 3 inch broad and 2 inch broad. The flowers are born in rainy season and fruit appears in December to march.  
                                 dry bark


Botanical Name : Oroxylum Indicum
English Name: Indian Trumpet ,Broken bones plant, Indian calosanthes
Hindi Name : bhut-vriksha,dirghavrinta,kutannat, manduk, patrorna
Common Name : Indian Trumpet Tree
Gujrati Name : Tentu
Sanskrit Name: Shyonaka
Assamese Name : Bhatghila
Bengali Name : sona
Kannada Name :Tattuna,Aanemungu
Konkani Name : davamadak
Sanskrit Name :aralu,shyonaka, dunduka
Tamil Name : cori-konnai,palai-y-utaicci,puta-puspam 
Telugu Name :manduka-parnamu, pampena,suka-nasamu
Malayalam Name: palaqapayyani, vashrppathiri, vellappathiri
Marathi Name: tayitu, tetu 
Family Name : Bignoniaceae

Part Used :Bark

Medicinal Uses:
  • The root bark is tonic and astringent and useful in diarrhea and dysentery; it is diaphoretic and is used in rheumatism. The stem and root barks contain three flavone-coloring matters, viz. oroxylin-A, baicalein and chrysin. The bark also contains traces of an alkaloid, tannic acid, sitosterol and galactose.
  • The root bark is reported to possess various actions such as astringent, bitter tonic, stomachic and anodyne.
  • The bark is generally useable in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • The bark is also used in Sri Lanka to make a traditional herbal medicine as a remedy for rheumatism and join pains.
  • Seeds are used as purgative. Dried seed powder used by women to induce conception. Seeds yield non-drying oil used in perfume industry.
  • Stem bark and fruits are employed as mordent, the stem bark yields a khaki color dye.
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