

Jivanti also known as Leptadenia reticulata is named so because of its nourishing property for every part of the body.
Jivanti means which adds in the Jivan – the living force. Jivanti specially corrects the metabolism and enhance the nutritive status of the body and corrects the digestive system; it specially nourishes the eyes and the reproductive system.  

Botanical Name : Holostemma adakodien
Sanskrit Name : Jivanti
Common Name : Holostemma Creeper
Family Name : Asclepidiaceae
Gujarati Name : Kharkhodi, Dodi
English Name : Leptadenia
Hindi Name :Jivanti, jiwanti
Tamil Name: Palaikkodi
Telugu Name : bandi guruvindateega, bandiguruvinda theega
Malayalam Name : Atakodiyan, atakotiyan
Marathi Name : Dudoli, dudurli, gaganthjuti

Medicinal Uses:
  • Jivanti is used for application as an ointment in allergy due to Pitta.
  • Jivanti soothes the digestive system and is used in constipation and colitis.
  • Jivanti is a cardio tonic and cures bleeding disorders. It is also used in bronchitis as an expectorant.
  • Jivanti is an aphrodisiac and improves seminal quality through its specific action on the reproductive organs.
  • Jivanti is also used in spermatorrhoea.
  • Since Jivanti is a diuretic, it is used in dysuria, burning micturition and pyuria.
  • Jivanti also benefits in fever, burning, pthisis and also in defective eyesight.

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