

Description :
It is found in India, Burma, and Sri Lanka, often planted in the vicinity of Shiva temples. It grows wild all over the sub-Himalayan forests, central India and its west coast and in dry hilly places ascending to 4,000 ft. high. 
It is a medium to large sized deciduous, glabrous and armed tree with axillary and 2.5 cm long spines. Leaves alternate, 3-5 foliate, leaflets are ovate to lanceolate, crenate, acuminate, membranous and petiololed. Flowers in short axillary panicles, large and scented. Calyx pubescent and four lobed. Petals 4, white and gland dotted. Stamens many. Ovary ovoid, cells 10-20, ovules many, fruit globose, grey or yellowish, rind woody. Seeds many, oblong, compressed, embedded in reddish yellow coloured sweet pulp.


Botanical Name :Aegle marmelos
English Name : Bael Tree
Hindi Name: Bel
Sanskrit Name : Bilva ,Adhararuha, Sivadrumah, Tripatra
Latin Name: Aegle marmelos
Common Name: Bel, Beli fruit, Bengal quince, Stone apple, Wood apple
Manipuri Name: Heirikhagok
Marathi Name: Maredu
Tamil Name: Vilvam
Malayalam Name: Vilvam
Telugu Name: Sandiliyamu
Kannada Name: Bilvapatre
Bengali Name: Bel
Konkani Name: Bello
Urdu Name: Bel
Assamese Name:Bel
Gujarati Name: Bili

Part Used :Leave

Medicnal Uses:
  • Bilva fruit powder calms down the extra heat in the body in this way it corrects gastric disturbances like diarrhea, IBS and colitis. 
  • Bilva leaves powder is specially useful in diabetes to regulate the blood sugar and minimize diabetic complications. 
  • Bilva leaf juice is put in the eyes and paste of leavess applied over the eyelids. 
  • Bilva  leaves are used  for fomentation in disease condition like swelling pain in ribs.
  • Bilva leaves alleviates oedema and pain.
  • Bilva is a cardiac tonic, haemostaic and alleviates swelling, hence is root used in cardiac dedillity and palpitation.
  • Bilva root bark and leaf juice are used to alleviate oedema.
  • Bilva root alleviates the inflammation of uterus, hence it is used in pregnancy, leucorrhoea and puerperal disorder. 
  • Bilva  root tranquilises the nerves hence it is used in vata disorder, insomnia. Epilepsy and hysteria.
  • Bilva unripe fruit is an appetizer, digestant and astringet. Ripe fruit is a sweet, mild laxative.
  • Bilva leaves juice is leaver stimulant.
  • Bilva  root bark, unripe fruit are useful in loss of appetite, diarrheoa, dysentery, sprue, pain in abdomen.
  • Bilva unripe fruit ground to paste and cooked with sugar is very beneficial in bleeding piles.
  • Bilva sharbat of ripe fruit pulp can be used as it act as digestive and alleviates diarrhoea.
  • Bilva leaf juice mixed with black pepper used in jaundice.
  • Bilva fruit (ripe or unripe) useful for prevention of cholera.
  • Bilva is haemostatic it is also used in hemorrhoids.
  • Bilva roots are useful in vata disorders, fruits in disorders of inter channel. Bilva, Durva and Tulsi are used in vata, pitta and kapha disorders respectively.

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