
Karaj Beej

Seeds are used for skin ailments and are valued as antiseptic, astringent, bitter, blood purifier, febrifuge, pungent and tonic. They are useful in bronchitis and whooping cough. The fruit and seed are also useful in piles, urinary discharges, and diseases of the brain, eye and head. They also are useful for chest complaints, chronic fevers, earache, hydrocele, and lumbago. They are considered a good substitute for quinine. “It is a good antipyretic and I have used it in entric fevers successfully”. (Dr Younis Munshi, Srinagar)
The oil is popular in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of biliousness, eye ailments, leucoderma, worms, wounds, sores, scabies, eczema, itches, herpes viral infection, eczema, ulcers, and other skin diseases. It is said to promote wound healing and is traditionally applied as an efficacious remedy for rheumatic joints, scurvy diseases of the scalp, and psoriasis. The oil, like Neem oil, has been widely tested for its insecticidal, nematicidal, antiseptic, bactericidal, and cleansing properties.
raw Pharmacutical
Botnical Name : Pongamia Glabra

English Name : Indian Beech, Karum Tree

Hindi Name : Karanj, Kanj, Kanja, Karanjwa
Bengali Name : Nata Karanja, Dahara Karanja

Chinese Name : Shui huang
German Name : Karanja-Baum
Gujarati Name : Kanajo, Karanji, Kanjka, Kakach,Karanja
Kannada Name : Honge Beru, Hulagilu
Latin name : Pongamia glabra Vent.
Marathi Name : Karanja, Ghanerakaranj, Sagargota
Persian Name : Khaye Iblees, Khurmae Abujahal
Punjabi Name : Karanj, Sukhchain, Paphri
Sanskrit Name : Karanja, Karanjaka, Naktamala
Urdu Name : Karanjwa
Malayalam Name : Ponnu, Unnu
Oriya Name : Koranjo
Kannada Name : Honge
Marathi Name : Karanj
Telugu Name : Pungu
Assamese Name : Karchaw
French Name : Arbre de pongolote
Malay Name : Paripari,malapari,mempari,biansu,pongu,mempare
Nepali Name : Karanji,karauini
Sinhala Name : Kona,karanda
Thai Name : ko:m ko:y,khayi,yinam
Indonesian Name : ki pahang laut,bangkong,biansu,kranji,melapari

Part Used : Fruit,Wholeplant

Medicinal Uses:

  • The roots are god for cleansing foul ulcers, cleaning teeth and for strengthening the gums.
  • The poultice or the paste of its leaves is applied on the wounds and swellings for relief.
  • The seed powder is effective as nasal therapy to relieve the phlegm in chronic sinusitis and kapha diseases.
  • The bath of its leaves boiled in water, is benevolent for the patients of arthritis.
  • The paste of its seeds alleviates the glandular and scrotal swellings.
  • The bark skin juice is a keen stimulant for digestive system and is beneficial in anorexia, piles, worm infestations, and flatulence and liver diseases.
  • In children, the seed powder is given in whooping cough for quick relief.
  • Karanja is a good blood purifier and also destroys ama, hence is salutary in blood disorders as an adjunct.
  • The ghrta prepared from its bark skin is salubrious in venereal diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea.
  • Karanja is one of the best herbs in various skin affections, with other herbs like nimba, nirgundi and aristaka.
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