

Kalamegh; Androgaphis paniculata is a great antipyretic herb, where modern day anti-pyretic medicines can cause severe complications with your kid like- behavioral problem, internal bleeding in organs- Kalamegha and Chirayata prove the best solutions for the same and are safer.  
Kalmegha also improves the skin texture and quality, improves functions of liver and also helps to get rid of the digestive disorders. 
Plant Extract
Botanical Name: Andrographis Paniculata
Hindi Name: Kalmegh, Kalpnath,Kiryat, Mahatit
Sanskrit Name: Bhunimb, Kalmegh,Kirata, Mahateet
Common Name: Kalmegh
Marathi Name: Olen Kirayat,Olikiryata
Canarese Name: Nelabevu gida
Malyalam Name: Nilaveppu, Kiriyatta
Telugu Name: Nela Vemu ,Neelaveemu
Tamil Name: Nilavempui ,Nilavembu
Bengali Name : Kalmegh
Gujrati Name : Kariyatu,Kalimegh,Kiriyata, Olikiriyat
Gondi Name : Bhuilimb
Oriya Name : Bhuinimba
Kanada Name : Nelaberu
Chinese Name : Chuan Xin Lian
Persian Name :Naine-havandi
Arabic Name : Quasabhuva
Malay Name : Hempedu Bumi
Sinhalese Name : Hīn Kohomba / Heen Kohomba
Vietnamese Name : Xuyên Tâm Liên
French name: Chirette verte, Échinacée d'Inde, Roi des amers
Japanese name: サンビロート, センシンレン
Thai name: ฟ้าทะลายโจร, ฟ้าทะลาย, หญ้ากันงู, น้ำลายพังพอน
Korean name: 천심련
Russian name: Андрографис метельчаты

Part Used :Whole Plant
Medicinal Uses:
  • Kalmegh being an appetizer, it is used in loss of appetite.
  • Kalmegh act as a liver stimulant therefore  it used in all liver disorders like  liver and spleen enlargement, constipation and  jaundice.
  • Kalmegh also work as  a laxative vermifuge,and worms.
  • Kalmegh is useful in fever with rigors, mixture of black pepper and.
  • Kalmegh is also effective in chronic fever and general debility.
  • Kalmegh stimulates perspiration and removes toxins from the body via sweat.
  • Kalmegh prevents  the blood clotting process so it is used to prevent reclogging and restenosis of arteries after angioplasty.
  • Kalmegh has anti microbial property against worms and parasites.
  • Kalmegh improve the power of immunmodulatory system against any problems.
  • Kalmegh also used in High BP patients to maintain blood pressure.
  • Kalmegh is beneficial  to make improvement  aganist HIV and allergies patient.
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