

Description : 
Vijaysaar is a big tree whose bark is very useful for diabetes. The bark of the tree is made into a wooden glass and the glass is used as remedy to cure diabetes Some water is kept in the wooden glass overnight and is consumed early morning by diabetes patients. The color of the water changes to brown and glass is changed after around 1 month when the water color does not change. Vijaysaar is safe and cheap method to take care of Diabetics,weight control and reduce joints pain.
                                      Orgnaic Bark
Detail :
Botanical Name : Pterocarpus marsupium
English Name : Indian kino tree, Malabar kino tree
Hindi Name: Beeja saar, Vijay saar
Sanskrit Name : Asana, Beejaka
Malayalam Name : Venga
Common Name: Vijayasar, Bijasal,Indian Kino Tree, Malabar Kino Tree,Kino, bila,Asana, Beejaka, Petaca, Bandhukavriksha
Bengali Name : Pitsal, Pitshul, Piyashal
Duth Name : Kinoboom,  Kino de Malobar
Kannada Name : Benga, Bibla, Honne
Marathi Name : Biyala lakda
Nepalese Name : Bijayashal, Bijaysar, Vandhuk pushp
Oriya Name : Piyasalo
Sanskrit Name : Asana, Bandhukapushpa, Bijaka, Bijavriksha, Mahakutaja, 
Sinhalese Name : Gammalu, Ganmalu, Gummalu
Tamil Name : Pidasaralam, Pirasaram, Pidagarama, Sarvasadagam 
Telgu Name : Paiddagi chekka, Peddagi, Peddavegisa, Peddegi, Pedegu

Family : Fabaceae

Part Used : Heart Wood, Leaves,flowers

Medicinal Uses:
  • Indian kino has many therapeutic and medicinal properties and is used in treating conditions like elephantiasis, diarrhea, leucoderma, rectalgia, cough, dysentery, and grey hair.
  • The crushed leaves of the plant are used externally for the treatment of boils, sores and certain types of skin diseases.
  • Consumption of the herb helps to lower the lipid and glucose levels of the body.
  • It leads to the significant reduction in the blood sugar levels, in diabetic patients.
  • One of the major effects of indian kino in human body is that it helps to prevent cell proliferation and induces apoptotic effect in tumor cell lines.
  • The heartwood of pterocarpus marsupium is astringent, bitter acrid, anti inflammatory, anthelmintic and anodyne. It is considered magical for diabetes. It turns the water blue as soon as it comes in contact with the water. 
  • It is good for elephantiasis, leucoderma, diarrhoea, dysentery, rectalgia, cough and greyness of hair. 
  • The bark is used as an astringent and in toothache. The bruised leaves are considered useful as an external application for boils, sores and skin diseases.
  • The bark is used as an astringent and in toothache.
  • The bruised leaves are considered useful as an external application for boils, sores and skin diseases.

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