

Jatamansi/Spikenard is a soft, aromatic herb with a strong pungent rhizome root. It is native to the mountainous region of northern India. Jatamansi/ Spikenard has the power to promote awareness and calm the mind. It is very useful for palpitation, tension, headaches, restlessness and is used for promoting awareness and strengthening the mind. Jatamansi /Spikenard is a useful hair tonic and is commonly used in hair oils, promoting hair growth and luster. It is also used in oils and pastes that improve complexion and general health of the skin. Jatamnsi/ Spikenard has an earthy, hash wood like smell that is slightly musty.Also It promotes appetite and digestion and brings forth a significant reduction in hyperactive children. It is also useful in hepatitis, enlargement of liver and jaundice. As it improves the quantity of urine, it is salutary in urinary problems like dysuria and inflammation of urinary bladder. Also removes stone in kidney.
                                     Velerian Root
Botanical Name : Nardostachys Jatamansi
English Name : Musk Root, Indian Spikenard
Hindi Name : Balcharr, Charr, Jatamashi
Arabic Name : Sunbul, Sunbul al-teeb, Sunbul Hindee, Sunbul al-’asaafeer
Bengali Name : Jatamamsi
Chinese Name : Gan song
French Name : Nard Indien
German Name : Achte Narde, Moschuswurzel, Sumbulwurzel
Gujarati Name : Baalchad, Kalichad, Jatamasi
Kannada Name : Bhootajata, Ganagila maste
Kashmiri Name : Bhut-jaat, Bhutijatt
Latin name : Nardostachys jatamansi DC.
Marathi Name : Jatamansi
Persian Name : Sumbul Hindi, Narde Hindi, Reshahwala
Punjabi Name : Balchhar, Chharguddi
Sanskrit Name : Jatamansi, Mansi, Jata, Jatila
Urdu Name : Balcharr, Sumbul-ut-teeb

Part Used :Root

Medicinal Uses : 

  • Mental Stress & Fatigue
  • Jatamansi according to ayurvedic tradition, is a sedative and diuretic herb used in the management of spasmodic hysteria, heart palpitation, menopause, hystero-epilepsy, convulsive aliments, flatulence, strees, high blood pressure and nervous headache.
  • It is also a tonic to the mind and mental awareness, and is useful in the management of fatigue and depression.
  • Additionally, it is used to treat jaundice, digestive complaints, menopause, leprosy, respiratory problems, rash, eczema, seminal weakness, hair loss and scopion sting.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for about this herbal remedy! But if the urological condition gets more severe it is best to consult a good Urologist on time , so that they can provide you the right treatment at the right time. Because sometimes neglecting this can cause a serious problem.
