
Meaning and Principles of Ayurveda

Meaning of Ayurveda
Ayurveda comprising of Ayur (life) and Veda (Scince or knowledge) is a holistic healing science which is in other words called “Science of life”. Ayurveda deals with the complete way of life, rather than just the treatment of diseases. 

Basic principles
Ayurveda considers the humanity and universe as a common origin, and considers nature to be made of three main qualities (also called gunas). These gunas namely Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are the inner qualities found in all material forms of nature.

Ayurveda also considers the entire universe to be governed by five major elements called Panchamahabhutas which includes space, fire, water, air and earth. The entire human structure is considered to be made of Seven tissues (also known as Dhatus) which is the plasma, adipose tissue, muscle, bone marrow, bone, blood and reproductive tissue. From the liquids of all these tissues, Ojas (energy) which is the refined ultimate product of metabolism and digestion, is formed. Ojas is also considered to connect the consciousness and physiology of an individual and is responsible for developing immunity in the body.

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