
Uses Of Amla For Health

Take dry Amla. Soak them in water at night and in the morning wash the head with this water. 
Eat Amla Murabba. If the bleeding does not stop put 2 drops of Amla juice in the nose and apply a paste of ground Amla on the head. 
If fresh Amla is not available soak dry amla in water for sometime then grind this and apply on the head.

In Hot Weather.

Drinking Amla Sherbet (Recipe for Amla Sherbet is given seperately in this hub) regularly, lessens thirst and protects from hot weather related problems.

In Stammering, Stuttering and Speech difficulties.

Chewing Amla regularly benefits in such cases.

In Bedwetting.

Mix 1 gram Amla, 1 gram Caraway seeds and 2 grams Candy sugar. Take this with cold water to get rid of this problem.

In Nightfall .

1. Eating 1 Amla Murabba daily helps.
2. In a glass put 20 gms powdered amla. Add 60 ml water and keep for 12 hours. Afterwards, strain this water and add 1 gm ground turmeric. This is good for young boys.

For Stones in kidney and ureter.

Eat Amla churan with radish.

In Bleeding Piles.

Powder dry Amla.Take 1 tsp morning and evening with buttermilk or cow's milk.

In Leucorrhea.

1. 3 gms Amla churan or ground Amla taken with 6 ml honey once a day helps. Do not take sour things.
2. 20 ml Amla juice mixed with honey taken for a month, helps.

In Leprosy.

Take 1 tsp Amla churan, morning and evening, that is twice a day.

In Burning Micturition.

Take green Amla juice 60 ml, honey or sugar 30 gms with a little water. This is one dose. Take one dose in morning and one dose in the evening. It relieves burning, brings on urine and removes constipation.

In Diabetes.

Take fresh Amla juice mixed with honey.

In Constipation.

Taking 1 tsp Amla powder with water or milk at bedtime clears the bowels in the morning.

In Diarrhoea.

Mix equal quantities of ground dry Amla and ground Rock salt. Take 1/2 tsp of this mixture to stop diarrhoea.

To improve Digestion.

After meals take 1 tsp amla churan.

In Intestinal worms.

30 ml of fresh Amla juice taken once a day for 5 days kills worms.

As a Strength giver.

Eat 1 tsp ground Amla with 2 tsp honey. Drink milk after this.When fresh Amla is available take 1/2 cup of Amla juice with 2 tsp honey to which 1/2 cup of water is added. Drink milk after this. Taking this regularly gives an energy boost and a very healthy feeling.

To Increase Memory.

Eat Amla murabba daily.

To Improve eyesight.

Amla improves vision. In 250 ml water soak 6 gms amla powder at night. Strain this water in the morning and wash the eyes with this water. It relieves all diseased conitions of the eyes.
1 tsp of Amla churan can also be taken with water at night.

In Bleeding from cuts.

Apply amla juice on the cuts. It stops bleeding.

In Acidity.

This is relieved by taking 2 tsp Amla juice or ground Amla with 2 tsp candy sugar with water.

In Heart And Brain Weakness.

Half way into a meal, take 30 ml Amla juice with water and then take the remaining meal. Do this for 21 days. This removes heart and brain weakness and improves health.

In Heart Disease.

1. Taking ground Amla with cow's milk benefits all diseases of the heart.
2. Take equal parts of dry Amla and candy sugar. Grind this. Taking 1 tsp of this with water everyday benefits all diseases of the heart.
3. Take 1 Amla murabba with milk daily to keep the heart in good health.

In Vomiting or Nausea in Pregnancy.

Eating 2 Amla murabba berries, 4 times a day stops this.

In Measles.

If there is itching and burning. Boil Amla in water. Strain this water after cooling and have bath with this for relief from itching and burning.

In Hairfall.

Soak dry Amla in water at night. Wash hair with this water in the morning. It strengthens the hair roots and improves the natural beauty of the hair. It benefits the brain and eyes too.

As a Beauty Aid.

Ground Amla used as a scrub keeps the facial skin cleear and soft and prevents facial skin problems.

As a tonic.

2 tsp Amla juice with 2 tsp honey is a strength giving tonic.

In Tooth pain.

Mix a little camphor in Amla juice and apply on the affected tooth for relief.

In Gout.

In 1 glass of water put 25 gms dry Amla and 50 gms Jaggery. Boil till 1/4 th water remains. Strain and cool and drink twice a day.
While one is taking this,eat chappati or bread without salt and take mung beans ( a variety of lentils) to which rock salt (not common salt) and black pepper has been added. Keep away from cold draughts.

In Hoarseness of voice.

Take Amla powder with water to get the voice back.

Wrinkles and Freckles.

Massage face lightly with any oil in the morning and evening. At night, soak 2 tsp ground Amla in water. Strain the water in the morning and wash face with this. It clears wrinkles and freckles if done regularly.

For Cough.

Lick a mixture of 1 tsp Amla and 1 tsp honey.

In High Blood Pressure.

Eating Amla murabba daily, in the morning, lowers the blood pressure.

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