
Varun Bark

Crataeva nurvala is a moderate sized deciduous tree with gray and smooth horizontally wrinkled bark with trifoliate leaves.  its flowers are white or cream in color and are present as many flowered terminal corymbs. Fruit is multiple seeded in the form of ovoid berries.  seeds are embedded in yellow fleshy pulp.
Details :
English Name: Three leaved caper
Botanical Name: Crataeva Nurvala
Bengali Name :Varne
English Name :Three-leaved caper
Kannada Name :Bitusi, Holenekki, Holethumbe, Maavilanga, Mata maavu
Malyalam Name :Nirmatalam, Nirval
Marathi Name :Haravarna, Karvan, Kumla, Nirvala, Ramala, Varun, Vaayuvarna
Tamil Name :Mavilingam, Narvala, Varanam, Maavilangam, Maralingam
Sanskrit Name : Varana
Bengali Name : Varuna, Barun, Tiktashak
Gujarati Name : Vayvarno, Varano
Kashmiri Name : Kath
Kannada Name : Bipatri, Mattamavu, Neervalamara
Oriya Name : Baryno
Punjabi Name : Barna, Barnahi
Urdu Name : Barna
Malaya Name : Cadat
Burmese Name : Kadat, Kadet, Katat
Canarese Name : Bilpatri, bitusi, hoddelenage, mavilinga
Simhalese Name : Lunuwarana
Family: Capparidaceae
Common Name: Varun

Parts Used: Bark, Leaves and root bark

Medicinal Uses:

1. The skin, roots and leaves of varuna have great medicinal value.
2. The pulp of leaves is applied on abdomen in splenic enlargement, with great benefit.
3. The decoction of leaves given along with ghee relieves flatulence and abdominal pain.
4. The decoction of skin of varuna alone is used as blood purifier in gout, internal abscess, adenitis.
5. Varuna is commonly used as a bitter tonic. The fresh juice of leaves is useful as a tonic. In enlarged prostate, strangury and urinary tract infections the decoction of its bark is rewarding.

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