

It is a moderate or large deciduous tree, attaining 25-30 m in height. Leaf buds, branches and youngest leaves are covered with soft, shining rust coloured hairs. Leaves 7-20 cm,glabrous, opposite, elliptic-oblong, rounded,acute apex. Flowers bisexual, white or yellow with an offensive smell. Fruit is a drupe, pendulous, 2-4 cm long, obovoid from a broad base, glabrous, sribbed, when dry, yellowish green, bark 6 mm thick, dark brown, many generally shallow vertical cracks. 
                                    Herbal Fruit

Botanical Name : Terminalia Chebula ,Terminalia reticulata 
English Name    : Myrobalan yellow, Chebulic Myrobalan yellow
Common Name : Myrobalan, Hardad, Chebulic Myrobalan,Harde, Harir, Haritaki
Sanskrit Name   :  Harithaki
Bengali Name     : Harithaki,Horitoky
Kannada Name  : Alalekaayi
Telgu Name      :  Karkchettu
Tamil Name      :  Kadukkaya
Persian Name    : Halila-hezarda,Halela
Marathi Name    : Harade
Urdu Name : Halela
Chinese Name : He zi ,He li le
Arabic Name : Haleelaj, Ahleelaj, Ihleelaj
French Name : Bad amier Chébule, Myrobalan chébule
German Name : Chebulische Myrobalane , Rispiger Myrobalanenbaum
Russian Name: Terminaliia belericheskaia
Assamese Name :Shilikha
Burmese Name : Pangah
Japanese Name :Ieroo taaminaria , Mirobaran no ki,Mirobaran no ki
Malay Name :Buah kaduka, Manja lawai
Nepalese Name :Harro,Jangalii harro
Sinhalese Name :Aralu
Spanish Name : Mirobalanos índicos
Turkish Name :  Kara halile
Family Name :    Combretaceae

Part Used : Leaves, Flowers,Fruits

Medicinal Uses :
  • It is astringent, purgative, stomachic and laxative. It is useful in asthma, piles and cough. It is also useful in healing of wounds and scalds.
  • It is used as gargle against inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth. It is used in tanning of leather and purification of petroleum.
  • It is an effective purgative and helps in removing toxins and fats from the body resulting in their reduced absorption.
  • Used in all sorts of eye disorders like inflammation, conjunctivitis and is used as a wash.
  • Fruit contains a constituent which has a wide antibacterial and antifungal spectrum.and also inhibits growth of E.coli, the most common organism responsible for urinary tract infection. The fruit pulp exhibits laxative properties.
  • The fruit pulp is used for curing and cleansing ulcers and wounds.
  • It is used by conjunctivitis patients, for relieving the eyelids.
  • Gargling with a decoction made from the fruits is very good for fighting oral ulcers, stomatitis and sore throat.
  • Terminalia chebula fruit, mixed with sunthi powder and hot water, is used for treating asthma and curing hiccups.
  • This fruit is used for fighting many diseases including leprosy, chronic as well as intermittent fever, narcosis, diarrhea and anorexia.
  • It is used for curing nervous irritability and nervous weakness.
  • They are used in the treatments of various vaginal discharges such as leucorrhea and urethral discharges such as spermatorrhea for their anti-inflammatory and astringent.
  • These fruits are used for fighting many digestive disorders such as flatulence, ulcer, distention and parasitic infections.
  • Powdered Haritaki is used along with ghee and honey for curing anemia.
  • A decoction of this fruit is used to fight against hepatitis and obesity.
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1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on herbal remedies for digestive problems
