

Celery is an important salad plant. In india, the leaves are not so popular, but the root and the seeds are commonly used in ayurvedic medicine.The word celery is derived from latin, celery which means quick acting, and presumably refers to its therapeutic properties. 
Details :
Botanical Name :Apium Graveolens
English Name : Celery
Indian Name : Ajamoda
Hindi name : Shalari, Ajmud, Randhuni 
Bengali Name : Bandhuri, Chanur 
Gujarati Name : Bodiajmoda 
Malayalam Name : Ayamodakam 
Marathi Name : Ajmoda 
Punjabi Name : Kernauli 
Sanskrit Name: Ajmoda 
Tamil Name : Ajmoda
SpanishName  : Aipo
French Name : Celeri 
German Name : Sellerie 
Swedish Name : Selleri 
Arabic Name : Karafs 
Dutch Name : Selderij 
Italian Name :Sedano 
Portuguese Name :Apio 
Russian  Name : Syel'derey 
Japanese Name : Serorii 

Medicinal Uses
  • The seeds of celery relieve flatulence, increase the secretion and discharge of urine and act as an aphrodisiac. They are tonic, laxative and stimulant. They treat spasmodic disorders. Celery is useful in the treatment of arthritis
  • The juice of celery in combination with carrot juice should be taken in the treatment of blood disorders. 
  • The seeds of celery are an effective remedy for indigestion. A teaspoon of the seeds soaked in a glass of buttermilk for 5 to 6 hours should be ground in the same buttermilk mixture. It gives relief from indigestion. 
  • The powder of the dried root of the herb is an effective tonic in general debility or weakness and malnutrition. One teaspoon of this powder mixed with a tablespoon of honey is taken twice daily in such conditions.

1 comment:

  1. How should the seed be taken to treat Arthritis for a 90 year old woman? Please email: or Facebook: Ume Hermanski (in Salmon Arm, BC, Canada). Thank you!
